Chapter 19

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Dot tried to ignore the voice but it still talked to her. "Don't ignore me!" The voice yelled as the shadow in the cell became a shape of a creature.

"Ok dot I'm back" Bruce said happily, " I have good news." Bruce placed the sketch book and supplies in the cell.

"What is the good news?" Dot asked with a small smile on her face as she took the sketch book and supplies. She grabbed a sharpened pencil and stared to draw.

"The good news is that tony thinks he can help and so do I" he said and his face filled with joy, "so then you won't have to stay in this cell"

"No it's fine I'm used to it by now" dot sadly spoke as her smile faded as memories she'd rather forget came flooding back to her.

"Oh dot is their anything you want to talk about?" His happiness faded as he realised what she meant.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Dot said with a mixed tone of sadness and anger. Dot still focused on her drawing.

"Hey well I'm here if you need to talk ok" Bruce said kindly and then walked away to his laboratory.
Couple hours later dot finally finished her first drawing.

(Dots first drawing)

"Stop ignoring me dot" the voice said aggressively and the shadows changed shape to a person with blood red eyes and knife like nails

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"Stop ignoring me dot" the voice said aggressively and the shadows changed shape to a person with blood red eyes and knife like nails.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Dot yelled at the shadow. She put the sketch book and pencil on the ground aggressively and lied down on the springy bed.

Dot took the pillow from beneath her head and cover her ear trying to block the voice out. Dot suddenly felt a wave of coldness take over her body.

Her eyes changed to and icy blue. "Stop ignoring me dot!" The shadow repeated aggressively. Dot threw an ice ball at the shadow. It disappeared and the voice stopped.
It's gone for now, dot thought and fell asleep.

She woke up to a loud creek noise and she opened her eyes and she saw Steve, Bucky and another guy.

He had dark skin and brown eyes. He wore a black suit with a white shirt. "This is dot T'challa" Steve said gestured to dot who was lied on the springy bed.

Dot sat up and looked at all three of them. "Hey Steve! Look I'm sorry about what happened when I threw you to the wall and not telling you I'm in here..." Dot said has her voice started braking and before she knew it she was bursting with tears.

Bucky entered her cell and pulled her into a hug. Dot buried herself into Bucky while she is still crying. "It's alright doll" he whispered.

Dot smiled a little. She felt safe in Bucky's arms. "I'm sorry if I hurt you or Steve" dot whispered.

"Hey you didn't hurt us we're fine see" he said softly as he put his hand on her face and he wiped away the tears.

"So why is your sister in the cell captain?" T'challa asked. Kept look forward and replied, "I don't know she's just been acting weird maybe you could take her and Bucky back to wakanda ... they've been through a lot and they can use some help." Steve explained.

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