Part 30

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Dot went outside the compound and sat on a bench. In the distance dot saw a brown old van outside the fence and a guy was stood beside the van.

"Hey is anybody home?!" The guy yelled, "it's me Scott we met a couple years ago?!" Dot walked up to the fence as it started to open and the old brown entered the outside of the compound.

Then the guy came out of the van. "Hi we haven't met I'm Scott!" He said he sounded like he was happy to see someone. He held out his hand for her to shake.

"I'm dot and I don't shake hands." Dot said, "the others are inside." Then Scott looked surprised, "What the avengers?"

Dot looked to the ground and replied with, "what's left of them but Thor left to New Asgard I've seen him every now and then" dot looked to the ground and tried not to cry.

"Okay well nice to meet you Dot..." he said as he headed towards the doors then he stopped, "wait are you coming in?"

Dot kept looking at the ground and shook her head no. She headed towards the tree her and Sam would go to and she sat down.

Dot put her head in her knees and started crying. Scott came over to dot and sat beside her. "Hey it's all right we've all lost something... like I lost the time to see my daughter Cassie grow up..." Scott said, "do you wanna hug?" Dot nodded yes and she hugged Scott and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't even know this man and she's crying onto his shoulder.

"Thank you" dot said and she moved away from the hug, "and what happened? Why couldn't you see your daughter grow up?"

"It's complicated." Scott said as he got up from the floor. Dot got up too, "well we better head inside"

"Yeah okay I need to explain to the others about the quantum realm and more stuff." Scott explained s they headed inside.

As they were walking to the room the others were in Scott started to explain stuff about quantum physics and some more quantum stuff. Dot and Scott entered the room where the others were. "Hey guys!" Scott said and smiled. Then Scott started to to tell them about the quantum realm and how time works differently there.

"So like time travel?" Dot asked and looked at Scott. "I think I'm not exactly sure" Scott said.
Then there was a little explosion that came from Bruce's lab.

Dot ran to see what happened in Bruce's lab. When she got there she saw Bruce but he wasn't Bruce. He was a bit taller then Bruce but he was smaller than the hulk.

He was a greenish colour and he wore Bruce's glasses. "Bruce?!" Dot asked as she slowly approached Bruce well he looked like Bruce.

"Yeah it's me dot" he said and he smiled. "What? How?" Dot asked as she gave Bruce a confused look.

"It's complicated" Bruce said, "I mixed some chemicals around and I managed to get like this" Bruce smiled at his achievement.

Dot smiled back at Bruce, then silence filled the room. Then Rhodey came into the lab and said, "there's some food Steve cooked in the dining room"

"Wait! Steve cooked don't eat the food he can't cook!" Dot laughed at the memory, "last time I eat something Steve cooked I got food poisoning"

"Wait really" Rhodey asked seriously. Dot laughed, "no I'm joking but Steve is a bad cook" then dot left the room and went to the dining room.

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