Chapter 4

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   The shadow

Dorothea looked at the corner of the room where Bucky would normally be I wonder where he is?, she thought. She stared at the corner where Bucky normally sits.

"Well it looks like your all alone and helpless" a voice whispered

"What?!" Dot said full of confusion, quickly turning her head in all directions, "who said that?!"

"Something you can only see with a light"

"You mean something like a shadow?"

"Yes now your getting it" the shadow begins to move around the room

"Wait shadows don't talk!?" She said shockingly

"Ahh!... but you can talk to me"

"This means-wait am I... am I going crazy?"

"Well I'm just a shadow how shall I know" it said while it was dancing around. Dot and the shadow we're talking for what felt like hours.

"So where's your friend?" The shadow finally asked.

"I don't know! And he's not my friend... he's Steve's" dot said with a bit of sadness. She didn't have many friends. Or any in that fact. She would always see Steven and Bucky laughing hand having fun.

The shadow finally sat down next to dot. "I know what powers you've got! I can help you if you'll like" the shadow sniggered.

"And what's the catch" dot said suspiciously
"There is no catch priceless"

"I'm not a priceless" dot said pushing the shadow of the springy bed and lying dow trying to get comfortable.

"Ok you want to sleep ok... well night" then the shadow disappeared and dot was on her own again.

Time skip

She let out a sigh and as she was about to rest her eyes guards came storming in and lifted her up from her arms.

"LET ME GOO!" she yelled while stomping her feet and trying to get free from there grip. But then she eventually gives up and the pass multiple door in multiple different hallways.

"Why have you gave up?" The shadow spoke. Dorothea just ignored the shadow and stopped paying attention to her surroundings.

They entered a room and a guy sat on an old chair and he had brow longish, shortish hair and olive skin with blue eyes and a dull metal arm. He was sat under a machine that looks like it fits on his face.

"Dot isn't that your friend?" The shadow asked with curiosity. Dot then looked at the guy under the machine and she realised him,.

" Bucky!" She whispered with a surprised tone. She then felt a rush of energy the the next minute she was next to Bucky who payed no attention to her.

"Bucky! Bucky can you hear me?!" She yelled, shaking him slightly.

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