Chapter 9

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"Oh I'm Bruce by the way... Bruce Banner" the guy in the purple shirt spoke while holding out his hand.

Dot just gave him a confused look then other people started coming into the room. One of the people were a middle aged man wearing a light grey suit with a white shirt and olive toned skin and sorted messy brown hair.

He held a tub of blueberries and held them out to offer and he spoke with a bit of an attitude, "so who are you? And what are you?"

"I'm no one for you to know!" Dot said giving him a dirty look, "now can we please look for Bucky!"

"I think I like her" the guy said from the cell

"Loki!" Yelled a kind of deep voice in an Australian accent. Dot quickly turned around to see were the voice came from and she saw a tall man with long golden hair and electric blue eyes.

"So who are all you people?" dot asked, "actually forget that question I need to find Bucky" Dot walks out of the room and then stops.

"Dorothea Jane Rogers! Your not going anywhere-" Steve said before getting cut off. Full name. She's not a child anymore does he not get that. She let out a long sigh and whispered under her breath, "fine you can come and help...but you and you only"

Steve smiled to himself and followed dot out of the room. Then Steve stopped and thought for a moment, "Dot do you even know where Bucky is?"

"No but if you have something that belongs to him I can track him" she spoke quickly and ran to try and find her way out of the compound. Steven was confused how could she track him.

"Wait!" Yelled a familiar voice and dot turned around to see the red headed girl. But dot just ignored her and continued running.

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