Chapter 20

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"I will see what I can do" T'challa spoke as he went to leave the room. Steve followed T'challa out and continued there conversation.

Dot and Bucky sat cuddling for a while then Bucky realised she had fell asleep. He then kissed her forehead and carried her to the broken springy bed.

As Bucky placed dot onto the broken springy bed, dot began to open her eyes. "Bucky can you please stay" dot said sweetly but tiredly.

"I would love too doll but the bed is too small" Bucky said looking a bit sad. Dot sat up and looked at Bucky.

"Ok well one kiss" dot asked softly. Bucky sat next to dot. "Ok just one" he said before he kissed her.

After he moved away from dot and as he left he said, " night doll" and then left the cell.

Dot smiled to herself then lied down and tried to fall asleep. But she kept hearing the voice said again , "don't ignore me"

Dot sat up and grabbed her sketch book and pencil and she stared to draw.

(One of the drawings)

Dot stayed up for hours trying to ignore the voice

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Dot stayed up for hours trying to ignore the voice. "You can't keep ignoring me" the voice said loudly.

"Just shut up!" Dot repeatedly yelled and she covered her ears with her ears and tried to black the voice out.

Dot felt dizzy suddenly everything went black.

~in dots head~
Dot stood in her cell back in hydra. And she turned around when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Dot turned around and she saw herself in her old hydra suit they made her wear on mission's.

"You can't run from me" the voice said with an evil look on her face. Dot stood and just started at 'evil' self .

"No I'm not like 'you' anymore... I've changed so go away" dot spoke as she tried to ignore the fact that the voice who was speaking to her was herself .

"I will always be apart of you even if you say to yourself you've changed.." the voice faded out.


Dot woke back up with a pounding headache and could feel the coldness from the hard floor.
Dot sat herself to a sitting position and she sat alone for a while.

Then Steve and Bucky came in. "Hey dot... T'challa is letting you and Bucky go to wakanda for a few months or so... until your free from your trigger words and the voice in your head dot." Steve explained with a smile.

"Do I need anything?" Dot asked in a calm voice. "Nope they will give you everything you need but you can take things" Steve replied as he opened the cell door.

Dot grabbed her sketch book and supplies and left the cell. She placed her things down on a small wooden table and hugged Steve. Dot smiled as she took her stuff and walked into the living room to say bye to everyone.

"Umm.. goodbye everyone" dot said standing in the door way. Everyone looked at her. "Bye dot and no need to explain Steve told us" sam said and smiled at dot. Sam hugged dot and dot hugged him back.

"Don't do anything stupid without me" dot laughed. And she said bye to everyone else and then left the compound.

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