Chapter 31

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Dot sat next to Nat and picked at her food. "Dot why aren't you eating?" Steve asked after he swallowed some of his food. "I don't feel like eating anything" dot said and kept poking her food. She just felt a bit off.

"Anyway dot, me scott and Bruce are going to see Tony and tell him what Scott told us. Do you want to come?" Steve explained as he took another bite of his food.

"No thanks" dot replied and stood up from her chair and walked upstairs with her head down. Dot sighed as she opened her bedroom door. Dot felt hopeless and she felt like she was never going to get anyone back.

Dot sat at the end of her bed and stared at the wall and thought of some memories of her and Bucky and her with Sam.

~one of dot's memories~

It was a hot warm day, dot and Bucky were sat near the river and watched the sunset and had a picnic. "It's so peaceful her in. Dot you think buck?" Dot asked as she turned and looked at Bucky who was eating a plum.

"Yeah it is doll" he said as he swallowed the rest of his plum then he grabbed dots face and kissed her. Then dot placed her head on his shoulder and watched the sunset.

"Hey Bucky you know before hydra. Did you plan out your  whole life planned out?" Dot asked as she moved her head from Bucky's shoulder and grabbed a drink.

"Yeah I kinda did. I wanted to have a nice home two kids maybe a dog and I wanted to have a beautiful wife." Bucky said as he smiled and looked in dots eyes. He blushed and it was noticeable. Dot laughed cutely as she noticed Bucky blushing.

"What?!" Bucky laughed still looking at dot. "Your blushing and it's cute"dot laughed again and kissed Bucky on the cheek.

~ End of memory~

Dot let out a sigh and put her head on the pillow. It felt weird without everyone the tower felt empty and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop from the other side of the tower.

Dot suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and she found it hard to breathe. She sat up on her bed. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to breathe. After a couple of hours dot managed to breathe properly again.

Dot tried to go to sleep but she couldn't. She couldn't stop thinking about if she was ever going to see Sam or Bucky ever again. So then dot got up and grabbed her sketch book and started drawing.

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