Chapter 22

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Dot woke up to see Bucky still sleeping. Dot smiled as she lifted herself from Bucky's chest. "Morning doll" Bucky said tiredly.

"Morning" Dot replied. Then dot pecked him on the lips and got up. Bucky got up and put his hand on her waist and spun her around so she faced him.

"Bucky shuri will be here soon" dot said as she caught Bucky's gaze. "Well shes not here now" Bucky said as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Dot broke the short kiss. "Come on buck she will be here soon." Dot said sweetly as she slowly walked away from Bucky.

Dot walked out the little hut and saw shuri and the girl on the jet walk over. "Dorothea this is okoye she will help Sargent Barnes" shuri explained just as Bucky walked out the hut.

"Follow me Sargent" okoye said as she walked away with Bucky. "Now Dorothea this way" shuri said kindly.

"It's dot by the way shuri" Dot said as her and shuri walked away from the hut.


Dot and shuri entered a white laboratory with glass windows which shows a mine with loads of raw glowing metal.

"This is my lab" shuri said as she showed dot around. Dot looked around and she saw tech that shes never see before.

"Cool but why are we here?" Dot asked.shuri stopped walking for a quick second to think. "My brother told me you wanted to stay away from people so you don't hurt them." Shuri explained.

Dot nodded her head yes. "Great so let's get started. Just lie down on here please." Shuri said as she pointed to the floating bed.

Dot lied down on the floating bed. There was silence for a while then there was a flash of light.

Dot then woke up in the stone cell once again. "No no no!" Dot yelled repeatedly and she smacked her hand on the door.

"You can't escape your past dot" the voice said but this time in a deeper tone. Dot tried to scream but nothing came out.

"You can't say anything here! Because I control this place!" The voice explained. Dot started to panic as the voice spoke some more. Then there was a flash of light again.

Dot woke up on the floating bed and she was gasping for air. "S-s-shuri?" Dot asked her voice was shaky.

"Yes dot and why don't we get some food" shuri said helping dot of the floating bed then they went somewhere to get some food. Shuri sounded like she was trying to hide something

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