Chapter 21

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~Time skip to when dot and Bucky are about to enter wakanda~

"My king we are home" a woman's voice said from the front of the jet.

Dot stayed seated and drew in her sketch book.
"What are you drawing there doll?" Bucky asked as he looked over her shoulder.

"Just a dog. I've always wanted one." Dot said with a smile on her face and then she stopped drawing and turned to face Bucky.

T'challa walked over to Bucky and dot. "Let's go" he said kindly. Bucky and dot stood up. Then a dark skinned girl came over.

She was bald and wore beaded armour and had gold ringed bracelets and some on her neck. She held a long metal spear. Dot grabbed her stuff.

As the door opened fractions of light broke through. Dot squinted her eyes until they adjusted to the light.

As the door opened wider revealed futuristic buildings and planes. Dot followed T'Challa out of the jet.

"So you must be Dorothea" a girl said she had braided hair tied in a bun and she wore a short sleeved black body suit with a an orange jacket thing over her.

"Yeah who are you?" Dot asked as she gave her a funny look. "I'm shuri now please follow me" she said and walked away. Dot followed shuri.

"You too Sargent Barnes" shuri yelled as she carried on walking with dot. Bucky quickly went to catch up with dot and shuri.

Shuri showed them around wakanda and then she showed them where they would stay. After that shuri left Dot and Bucky.

Dot stood as she watched the sunset. "It's wonderful isn't it?" dot said with a smile on her face. Bucky walked up behind her and then wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yeah it is doll" Bucky whispered and kissed her cheek. Dot smiled and headed to a smooth wall with a stick and straw roof.

Dot entered the hut and sat and she finished the drawing she drew. Bucky entered not long after. "Hey what are you drawing now doll?" Bucky asked as he sat down next to dot.

"I'm still drawing a dog." Dot replied with a smile. "Can I see?" He asked softly. Dot didn't answer him she finished the draw then showed him.
(The drawing)

"It's almost as cute as you" Bucky joked

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"It's almost as cute as you" Bucky joked.

Dot laughed, "aww you think I'm cute".

"Yeah." Bucky said sweetly. Dot blushed a little and put her sketch book down.

Dot looked Bucky in the eyes for a while. After a while she was unable to keep her eyes open and she eventually fell asleep on Bucky's chest.

"I love you doll" Bucky whispered and kissed dots forehead and then he drifted of to sleep after.

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