Chapter 8

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Returning memories

Dot woke up inside a cell surrounded by glass. Then dot got these flashbacks of when she was in hydra in a cell and she suddenly began to feel the haunting coldness finally take over her.

"LET ME OUT!" she screamed repeatedly whiles banging on the glass trying to get out. She hates it. The cell.

"The glass is unbreakable darling" said an unrecognised voice. Dot turned around to see a man that looks like he in his early 20's he had mischievous green eyes and his hair was long and dark black with some curls in it.

He was dressed like how they would in the medieval times. "Don't call me darling" dot spoke a bit aggressively

"Then what's your name?"

"I-I- I don't know my name! I can't remember" she stuttered as she tried to remember. Nothing.

Then a short guy with a purple shirt and dark jeans and short hair that's starting to lose colour walked up to the glass." I was hoping you would be out for a few more minutes because this is gonna hurt." He spoke kindly as he took dot out of the cell and placed her gently on a hospital bed like the ones she was in during hydra, "I am going to try and give you your memories back"

"And what happens if this doesn't work?" Dot asked looking at him as she tried getting out. More sudden flashbacks.

"Well then you went through this much pain for nothing" he answered honestly. He then stood next to some new fashioned technology and clicked some buttons and the bed entered a machine that didn't have much light inside.

Then the machine glowed brighter and brighter and then dot felt as if her head was being stabbed by a thousand needles, she let out a loud scream. Then the machine powered down and the bed exited the machine.

"You never told me it would hurt that bad!" She yelled at the guy in the purple shirt.

"Dot!" Said a familiar voice. She turned around to see the blonde guy from before. She recognised the voice. Steve.

She ran up to him and hugged him as tight as she could " I thought I'd never see you again Steve" she said while smiling to herself then her smile faded.
"wait! Where's...where's Bucky?!"

"Wait since when did you care about Bucky?" Steve asked with some curiosity. She always cared he just didn't notice.

"Since we were in hydra together! That's when!" She said with a sound of panic. It's a lie clearly. She paced up and down the room, Steve came over and stopped in her tracks and place a hand gently on her shoulder.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she yelled and her eyes glowed a flaming red then they went back to her natural emerald green eyes. She didn't know what happened. The fear of losing Bucky. The sudden anger she felt. Then all these memories rushing back at her. It's to much.

"What happened to your eyes?!" Spoke Steve and the guy in the purple shirt asked at the same time.

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