Ch. 1 - Hunter

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People always say "I'd kill for you". It's silly. Simple. Non-sacrificial if you ask me.

I always enjoyed the thought of you dying for others more interesting, but maybe that's because killing people isn't an act of strain or barely difficult to do for me.

That's literally what I was born to do, for crying out loud.

Half-meta, half-vampire. The worst of both worlds.

Metas are just supernatural hunters but with extra strength, reflexes, and cockiness. And vampires are, well, vampires.

I've never given much thought about my vampire side, I don't even know how I happen to be half meta and half supernatural, and the only thing I know is that my parents and family were killed for it.

Imagine the disgrace, a meta huntress having a vampire as a mate.

They couldn't let it slip, especially de Soilés, which are probably the last metas alive now.

They were the ones who "took care" of me after I was born, with lots of hatred and spite, just like any normal family.

The only good thing out of it is that they can't feel that I'm a vampire nor can supernaturals feel that I'm one of them or a huntress. At least I don't have my life on the edge all of the time.

And this certain ability is exactly what led me to where I am.

A year ago, Silas Soilé, the head of the family, sent me on this mission to end this pack of werewolves in this university. I just had to blend in, get close to them, and then snap their necks, but it didn't happen.

Let's just say that the vicious werewolves I have to kill were more of a family than the Soilés had ever been. Seeing them as dangerous people was hard, especially after we all crumpled on my tiny couch and watched chick flicks while cuddling each other.

Every time Silas calls, always on full moons, I say that things aren't going as expected, but I know that someday he'll show up here with his favorite daughters and kill my show.

Or kill me. It doesn't really matter.

I shouldn't be too focused on bonding with my targets, but these people were the kind of people worth dying for, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let anything happen to them.

And now here I am, a Psychology major living alone in a dorm and waiting for my lessons to begin.

A knock on my door got me out of my trance as I got up to open it.

Today was the first day after our break, so it wasn't a doubt that when I opened it, I'd be greeted with the three werewolves from the pack.

"Heeeeeeeeello there, ready for the first day back?" Alice, the youngest one but also the tallest of the three, said, pulling me out of the dorm.

She had long black wavy hair, and her eyes were of an unnatural deep blue, almost like the color of the ocean. She'd be pretty intimidating if her features weren't as soft as they were, although she was intimidating when she wanted to be.

Apart from being our chihuahua, she could be a bit rude, so the other two packmates had to keep her under control.

It took me a couple of seconds to get my balance back from being suddenly pulled, but it didn't last long as I was engulfed in a triple hug by the pack.

After letting me go, I greeted both Avery and Mason.

Avery was the pack's alpha. He had short black hair and the face of someone who could kill you on the spot but was the one that took care of all of us.

If anything, he'd be our "mom" as weird as it sounds and took care of Alice alongside Mason, his mate.

Mason was the most positive person you'd ever meet in your life. He had the same "I'll kill you" face as his boyfriend, but he'd actually kill you if you mess with him or his pack.

All to keep the positive vibes, that is.

He and I were the ones that kept everyone fed. He's a culinary major so he cooks a lot to practice and create recipes, and I always enjoyed baking.

I guess the thought of being able to do something good with my hands instead of just killing people was something that helped keep me sane.

"So, how was your vacation?" Avery asked me as they all let go of the hug, finally allowing me to breathe.

"It was pretty fun. My family and I ended up going to the beach," I lied.

All they knew about me was that I'm an orphan and I lived with my "uncle" and "cousins". I don't think I've had a good opportunity to tell them that I was actually sent here to kill them.

"That's nice," Mason said excitedly. "The three of us went back to our hometown and helped one of our friends to set some things up. She's enrolling here so you'll probably meet her soon. I think the two of you would get along pretty well."

I rolled my eyes playfully as he nudged my arm. Mason was always trying to set me up with girls since, apparently, I was too much of a disaster to do it by myself.

He wasn't necessarily wrong about that.

I've dated before but going out there and meeting new people was just a hassle. Sometimes I wish I could have a mate or that the universe would magically throw someone at me.

They wouldn't understand it since they could just wait until the right person appeared in front of them, and I was more than sure that I couldn't have a mate since I'm not a full supernatural.

"Let's just go before we get late to class like last semester," I walked towards the exit of the dorms and they caught up to me with ease.

I wasn't short, around 5'6, but they were all at least 4 inches taller than I was, so it was quite the funny view to see the four of us walking together, especially if I was in the front.

I just wish someday I'll be able to walk with them like the hybrid I am instead of like the pretending human.

A hybrid, werewolves, and a scooter (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now