Ch. 22 - Explanations

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"Do you think she'll wake up soon?"

"Be quiet, she's still sleeping."

"Don't tell me to be quiet."




"Can everyone shut up, please?" I asked with a weak voice, making the not-so-quiet whisper argument come to an end.

I wasn't feeling any kind of extreme pain, so it was a good start, and my back was laying down on something soft, probably my bed.

I was hoping that everything that had happened was just some kind of crazy dream, but it wasn't. The bandages over my stomach were too much proof that it was all real.

I took a deep breath before opening up my eyes, having seven figures looking at me expectantly, one surely surprising me the most.

"Troian?" I asked with a faint voice. "Can everyone just let me know what you know and what you don't so we can make this mess a bit easier to understand?"

"I suggest we take turns talking. No violence of any kind allowed." The voice of the unknown woman was the one I heard this time and I looked at her.

She wasn't as tall as the werewolves but still towered a bit over Troian. Her hair was a beautiful midnight black with perfect curls, and her smooth brown skin shone as if bathed in raw magic.

She was a witch, a very powerful one, and she was now in my bedroom for no apparent reason alongside a meta, another witch, and a pack of werewolves.

"I guess I'll start," Troian announced, granting the displeasure of the other supernaturals apart from the witch. "A few months ago, I was sent to kill Saria, this beautiful witch over here, and then I fell for her. We're mates. Also, I figured that the twins would be coming around here soon, so I wanted to check on you to make sure you were safe."

"Why didn't you warn her that they were coming?" Avery asked in a protective tone.

"I did, I sent her an email days ago but never got an answer to it."

Both of them looked at me.

"So that's what that notification was!" I said, remembering the day we had that dinner and I didn't check my phone because I thought it was just some spam. "I think I forgot to open it, so..."

"Okay, it doesn't matter now." Saria interrupted us, getting the attention to turn. "When we first got here it was around half past three and the dorm was a mess. A fight had clearly happened, so we started to look for Hunter but didn't manage to find her, not even with a location spell."

"The place they kept us had some kind of weird barriers," Dana said. "I couldn't perform spells inside the room I was in. This is probably the time to mention that I think they did something to Kyle and me."

"What kind of thing?" The older witch asked.

"I'm not sure, but it felt like they were draining us, draining our magic somehow."

"And that explains how they have all of that different stuff," Troian added, making the others nod.

"Okay, so we have two extra dangerous people that now have magic-enhanced equipment," I pointed. "Anything else on the twins' matter?"

Since no one said anything else, I assumed it would be a great time to talk a bit more about my truth.

"Okay, so I don't want anyone to freak out but I'm kind of a vampire," I said. The others looked confused but urged me to keep going. "And also a meta."

I explained to them about me and my parents, the truth behind them, and about what I was supposed to have done to them before we met each other a year ago.

I told them about my training sessions with Haven and how I've been urging to drink blood since the day I was run over by Casey, and soon enough all of us seemed to be in a lighter mood.

"Hun, we understand why you did what you did and we don't judge you for that, especially because we know that you want to protect us just as much as we want to protect you. I mean, those wolves you killed in the forest the other day? They almost got Casey dead, and if you hadn't gotten here in time yesterday, we all would have been maimed." Mason's voice was soothing as he approached me and hugged me. "We love you, okay? No matter what."

Soon enough the other wolves were doing the same, except for Casey, who seemed deep in thought.

We all looked at her expectantly, and she finally spoke up.

"I'm just having the biggest big brain time right now," she announced. "If I hadn't run you over, I wouldn't have gotten concerned about your physical state and wouldn't have given you coffee with a few drops of my blood so you'd heal."

She gave me blood? Werewolf blood can also heal you?

"And then your vampire side wouldn't have emerged, and then you wouldn't have been able to kill the wolves and save me back in the forest or save us yesterday."

"You gave your blood to her?" Troian asked. "But your blood doesn't have healing properties."

"It does if it's between mates," she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Anyway, the point is: If I hadn't run Hunter over, we'd be dead now. Life's crazy, isn't it?"


Hold on.

Did she just say mates?

"You're my mate?!" My voice was high-pitched, and everyone looked at me like I was the only one who didn't know.

I mean, I probably was, but still.

"I probably should have mentioned it later, but yes." She got closer to me. "Surprise?"

The others allowed her to get closer to me and hug me, and it didn't take me long to hug her back.

The warmth, happiness, and me being drawn to her in such a small time, were now explained, but knowing that she was my mate didn't make me feel any different from how I felt before.

I wasn't attracted to her because we were bonded by an invisible force, I was attracted to her because she was just the way she was, and knowing that made me even happier.

For a moment I forgot that we were in a room full of other people and gave her a soft, chaste kiss.

I felt her smiling into it before pulling away and urging me to shift to the side so she could lay down by my side and lay on my shoulder.

"You know how scared I was when I saw you covered in blood?" She asked, kissing the top of my head.

"It was scary as shit, not gonna lie," Alice said, oblivious to the mood, and everyone groaned. They were all watching our cute moment and enjoying it like it was their personal rom-com. "You looked like a character straight from Carrie."

"Who gave me the blood bag anyways?" I asked curiously.

"I did," Saria spoke up. "I had a feeling about you being a hybrid since Troian mentioned your family history, and I know the witch who made it possible for you to be born."

"So my parents having me was because of a witch's spell?"

"Yes. Your father asked my sister, Salem, to help him. He wanted to have a kid, and she owed him a favor."

"Salem?" Dana asked, shocked. "You're part of The Five?"

"The what?" The wolves and I said at the same time.

This day was far from being over, but we had enough time to talk.

The others knew what I was and still wanted to be around me, Troian was here looking happier than ever and mated to a really powerful witch, and I had a mate myself.

I remember the first day of the semester, me wanting the universe to throw someone at me, and it did, I just hadn't realized yet.

Everything was perfect right now.

Except maybe for the fact that we still had to deal with a crazy family and two homicidal psychotic twins.

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