Interlude - The grandwitch

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The one who tells the story can shape it in whatever ways they want to.

Most people don't waste much time thinking about it, but not the grandwitch.

She's been around for a long time and had more than enough of it to think.

Think about herself, the world's state, and how she was sick of it and couldn't wait until she got the right opportunity to burn it all down and start over.

And then the opportunity came.

The metas, a few decades ago, were the first ones she decided to compel.

Silas Soilé was still young and out of the question, but there was another family the witch managed to get in touch with. She promised them power and strength against all enemies if they helped her to find the almighty Thumrenon's stone, as she couldn't do it herself. It was dangerous to switch dimensions now.

The metas tried over and over. The lead they had is that the stone was with a werewolf, Andurin Wolfhardt.

When they finally managed to find him, the stone was nowhere to be found, and for years the witch couldn't feel it, couldn't find it.

Those metas who first helped her were long gone, but then, the Soilés were stronger now, greedier.

She made a proposition to them, the same one she had made to the others. If someone could help her with it, they'd be the ones.

They said Wolfhardt had a granddaughter he lived with, so the witch asked them to bring her for interrogation.

She helped them with charms and spells, and all she asked them to do was to capture a few witches so she'd have enough power to do all of that.

The grandwitch never truly trusted Silas or any of them. She, of course, had her own plans of getting the stone and then destroying all metas and hunters and all supernaturals that tried to get in her way.

She was tired of having to hide into the depths of the world, and it was now time that the superior beings had their turn in ruling it. Humans are weak, they didn't stand a chance, so why were the supernaturals the ones who had to hide?

Silas was the first to doubt her, so she asked his daughters to get rid of him.

She knew that the twins would do anything for power, even kill their father. If only they knew that they'd soon be the dead ones... But controlling the dead is always easier than controlling the living, and they were the perfect ones for a puppet show.

The grandwitch had sent them on a mission. She knew that Jace, their brother, was planning something, and sent them to spy on him. If everything worked out, she'd soon have the stone, the power, and nothing in her way to stop world domination.

The one who tells the story can shape it into whatever ways they want to and, Renna Thumrose, the grandwitch, was a really great storyteller.

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