Ch. 4 - Hunger

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I groaned for the hundredth time as I tried to pay attention to class.

It wasn't because of my occasional attention span of a goldfish or my sleep deprivation, but because I had a major headache that was probably caused by me not eating properly.

I was trying my best to eat at least a bit every day, but it was getting hard to the point that if I ate anything that was beyond normal, unseasoned food, I'd probably puke.

And no, I'm not pregnant.

I'm gay and, even so, the other's bullied me into taking a pregnancy test.

"Now, the person on your side will be your partner for this project, so talk amongst yourselves and start working," professor Kim said before dismissing us.

We had to make this project that involved something with analyzing other people's behaviors in certain situations. It wasn't so bad and it shouldn't take long to finish it.

The girl seated by my side was my best friend during classes.

We didn't hang out much since we both preferred to keep it to ourselves, but she was pretty cool to be around.

"Dana, you want to do half the interviews and I do the other half and then we finish it?" I suggested.

We both hated to work with other people. Kinda ironic since we were taking a psychology course, but that's life for you.

"Deal," she quickly agreed, and we both got up to go to our next class.

Before we could leave, Jake, the class' bastard, walked past us and bumped purposefully into Dana's shoulder.

A moment later, he tripped on something invisible and fell in the middle of the hallway.

I pretended not to notice, but Dana is a witch. A really playful one, that is, and her favorite subject was Jake, not because she was a bully but because he made sure to give everyone a piece of his mind even if no one asked for it.

Again, you'd expect that a psychology major would have different behavior, but that's just how things are.

As we made small talk through the hallways, I felt my legs getting weaker, and in the next moment I felt like fainting, but Dana managed to hold me before I hit the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, offering support to my body. "You've been looking tired all the time these last few days."

"My stomach is just being a bitch, I'll be fine soon enough."

"Could this have anything to do with the fact that you were run over?"

"Probably not," I sighed and cringed at the memory.

Let's just say that a few students who were passing by in their cars saw me getting run over and did me the awesome favor of passing the word about my "accident".

Only a few people believed since I was, well, not looking like someone that was run over, but I told Dana that it was true so I could cheer her up from a bad week, and it worked pretty well since she laughed about it for three days straight.

"You should go to the doctor, you know?"

"I'm afraid of doctors," I pouted and she laughed, almost letting go of my arm. That's when I noticed that I really should at least get some vitamins because if she let go of me I'd most definitely fall.

"You? The girl that gets run over by a superspeed scooter is afraid of getting an appointment?" She probably noticed me almost falling and placed my arm over her shoulder.

A hybrid, werewolves, and a scooter (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now