Ch. 5 - Questionnaire

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Dana was able to slip away from Casey by saying that after the lessons were done she'd interview her, and I swear that the two of them are acting weird, even for supernatural beings.

For lunch, all I could eat was a few crackers, and then, out of nowhere, Dana took this thermos with a strange liquid and told me to drink it.

I mean, who wouldn't drink the mysterious beverage from the witch?

But yes, I drank it, and thankfully it didn't make me puke. It was actually kinda good. It tasted a bit like iron, resembling blood.

It wasn't blood though, since the liquid was green and watery.

After she asked me what it tasted like, I said that it was something like strawberries, so she decided to - also out of nowhere - get me a slice of strawberry cake.

And that's when I almost threw up, making her confused for some reason.

Anyways, I was going back to my dorm without Dana's company since she said that I could probably interview Casey by myself, and she wasn't wrong.

When I opened the door, the smell of something being cooked reached my nose.


I went quickly to the kitchen area to find an unbothered Casey with earphones blasting some really loud music.

I tried to resist the urge to scare her, but I couldn't. I needed this payback from all of the stress.

I slowly approached her - even if I knew she couldn't hear me or smell me - and poked the sides of her upper waist quickly at the same time.

I didn't expect her to be holding the frying pan right at that moment, and I also didn't expect her to throw the egg on my face defensively when she got startled.

The worst part was probably that she didn't just throw it at me. She threw it strongly, with purpose.

And the yolk was still soft.

Saying it blew on my face is an understatement. Damn werewolves and their stupid superstrength.

Not good enough, I stumbled back for a moment and managed to trip on my own feet, making me fall again.

She totally could have caught me.

"Fuck, why does this always happen?" Casey took her earphones off and placed the pan down, offering me a hand to get up.

"Do you usually throw eggs at people?"

"Is this part of the questionnaire you mentioned?"

I suppressed a giggle, and she apologized right after for some reason.

"Sorry, I should ask if you're okay first." She started to get tiny pieces of the egg white from my face since they were plastered around after the impact.

"I'm good. I kinda had it coming anyway." I cleaned a bit of the yolk that was running close to my mouth. "I'll just take a shower and pray that my face doesn't smell like eggs the rest of the day."

And, after showering, it didn't.

When I went back to the living room, there was a plate with scrambled eggs and toast on the table, and Casey was sitting on the couch with a thoughtful expression, but it changed to amusement after she spotted me.

"You're lucky, no egg scent."

"I don't feel really lucky, but anyways..." I said, ignoring how weird her statement was.

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