Ch. 11 - Worried

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"Where have you been?" Casey's concerned voice was the first thing I heard when I opened the door and was greeted by the looks of four expecting werewolves and a witch. "You're not with Dana since she's been with us for the past couple of hours, and you weren't picking up your phone."

"Well, I planned on going to Dana's dorm, but before, I decided to head to the city to get some juice from that restaurant since I was craving it. I got on a bus and fell asleep in it so when I woke up I was God knows where."

"My phone was dead, but I decided to walk to the restaurant anyway to get the juice, which I did, but it took longer than expected since I didn't know where I was."

"Unfortunately, I spent all my money on the juice, and I couldn't afford to get a bus to get back here, so I walked again, and you guys know my legs are short," I said without missing a beat and keeping my breathing steady. Years with Silas made me a great liar.

"Well, that's... actually a pretty good explanation. Sorry." Casey's voice was low when she took the bag with the blood from my hand. "I'll put it into the fridge for you."

"See? I told you she's a big girl." Dana got up from the couch. "Can I go now?"

She didn't wait for an answer and left the apartment and was soon followed by the other three werewolves, leaving me alone with Casey, who just got back from the kitchen.

She seemed... anxious?

"So, I've been thinking and I got to the conclusion that you and I started things off with the wrong impression, and as... roommates... we don't have much bonding time," she scratched the back of her neck as she usually did when she got awkward. "So I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime?"

I know I said I wouldn't make a move, but if this was just a "roommate bonding time" it should be fine, right?

"Sure, that'd be nice."

"Good! Huh, do you have anything in mind?" Her eyes sparkled and my mind went blank for a moment, so I decided to say the first thing that passed through my thoughts.

"I've always wanted to learn how to skate, but riding a scooter wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. Teach me and I'll give you a treat."

"I'm not a dog, you know," she said, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"If you say so. What about tomorrow after lessons?"

"Fine by me," she beamed, and I went to take a shower. It wouldn't hurt to have some fun after all that was happening these days.

-- -- -- --

"Okay, now that you have your helmet on, we can start." Casey made sure that the protective gear was in its proper place as she guided me through the steps. "There shouldn't be any danger here in the park, so no running over."

I nodded as she kept giving me the instructions.

"Place your left leg on the middle of the deck, like...this." I placed my leg and she bent it a bit with her hands to get the proper figure. "You'll push off the ground with your right leg and keep it a bit up from the ground to stabilize your body so you won't fall. Got it?"

"I guess. I'm a fast learner, so I should be fine."

I was most definitely not fine.

After almost falling a few times and being saved from them by Casey rushing to my side, I finally felt like I was getting the hang of it.

I managed to ride a lap around the park at low speed but without falling a single time, so it was a win.

But of course, happiness can't last forever.

Casey couldn't help herself and ended up challenging me to ride a few meters outside of the park, and I obviously said yes.

She probably thought that nothing bad would happen since she was there to catch me if I fell, and I assumed the same. We both miscalculated.

The scooter was going smoothly until I took a turn into an unknown street that ended up being a very steep hill, and to say I lost control was an euphemism.

My speed picked up, but I managed to keep my back straight and my balance up as I saw Casey running down the hill, trying to catch up with me.

I'd be pretty panicked if the wind on my face wasn't so relaxing and if I didn't know that I would most likely not die at the end of it, so I wasn't worried.

At least not until a car appeared out of nowhere and I had to make a choice.

I hit the scooter brakes, but since I can't avoid how physics work, my body kept going, making me fly across the street. For my luck, the guy in the car stopped before I could hit it, and I just scrambled myself on the ground.

And then another car appeared and I wasn't so lucky.

It was going slower than Casey's speed from the other day, so the hit knocked me off but I knew I was fine.

Just as I was getting up, both the drivers got out of their cars to see if I was okay and Casey appeared by my side to assist me.

"Stay down so we can call an ambulance," she said with a worried face. "I don't think scooters and you are a good match."

"I'm okay, better than the time you passed through me." I got up from the ground, meeting the shocked faces of the car drivers who were getting their phones out to call for help. "Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine. Why don't people believe I'm tough?"

This time I only felt a bit of pain from the impact, but I knew I hadn't broken anything or had any major injuries. I guess drinking blood was doing me some good.

I managed to convince the drivers they could go on with their lives, and thankfully the car of the guy who hit me wasn't damaged, so we could leave it behind.

"I think I may have fucked up your scooter," I said as Casey and I walked to retrieve it, but it was surprisingly in one piece.

"My scooter is also a tough girl," she joked and lifted it from the ground. "Are you totally sure you're okay?"

"A hundred percent sure," I assured her.

"So you wouldn't mind if I laughed now?"

Before I could give her an answer, she was already cackling on my face.

"That was so fucking awesome! You just went downhill and you didn't even seem phased by it while I was killing myself to catch up to you, and then you just flew through that air! I have to do that sometime."

"Are you a tough girl?" I asked, laughing a bit myself. She wasn't wrong, it probably was a sight to see.

"I consider myself to be one."

"So you should probably be able to do the same. Also, your face when chasing me downhill was priceless."

"You can't blame me, I was scared as fuck."

"You're not going to be suddenly extra kind and treat me like I'm made of glass again now, are you?"

"Not unless you want me to. I think I can agree now that you are really tough."

"Good, and since we are at it, I'd like to confess that when you act too nice you kinda creep me out. As weird as it may sound, you laughing at me feels more comforting."

"That's pretty weird, but if you prefer it that way..." She nudged my arm as we walked through the sidewalk. "Anyway, where's my treat?"

"Didn't you say you weren't a dog?"

"I may not be a dog but I'm still a good girl, don't you think?"

I scoffed and grabbed her arm to guide us.

"Come on, I know a place you'll like."

A hybrid, werewolves, and a scooter (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now