Ch. 14 - Dream

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"Stop running, Hunter." Lauren's annoying voice rushed through my ears while I got deep into the forest.

"I guess we'll just have to start calling you Prey for now," Liliana said and got a laugh from her twin.

I swear the two of them make the most stupid comments and still manage to find them funny.

I walked a bit farther before climbing a tall tree and hiding. If the twins got ahold of me again...

These girls were the same ones that ran me over with a pickup truck for no reason, but now Silas had truly asked them to punish me.

"If you keep hiding, it'll only be worse."

I think that what made it worse is that we were seventeen and I was hiding on a tree because of my homophobic "family".

But didn't this happen four years ago?

Hell, I'm in a dream.

Why couldn't I dream about spiders or unicorns instead of the twins?

If I recall, this beating they gave me was only the first one out of thirty.

They also tried starving me, but Troian, Silas' oldest daughter, sneaked up food so I wouldn't die.

She didn't know, but I saw her as some kind of older sister since she was the only one there that actually tried getting along with me, and sometimes we went on missions together.

Anyways, I should probably get out of the tree before they find me. This may have happened in the past but this is my dream realm and I make the rules now.

This time, instead of being found out, I sneaked up on the twins and knocked them out with a wood branch.

I just wish I had run away back then, they probably wouldn't have chased me if I had.

-- -- -- --

When I woke up, I was in this huge mess of intertwined bodies.

Casey was resting her head on the top of my chest while my left arm and leg were on top of Mason.

Avery was cuddling up with his mate, and Alice was just laying there on a horizontal way, being on top of the four of us.

We looked beautiful.

I heard a knock on the door, but instead of getting up, I decided to let everyone rest and said a low "come in". They weren't the kind of people that got up with sounds since I once blew an airhorn after a sleepover and the three of them didn't even flinch.

I just assumed Casey would be the same as her pack, and I was right, and that was when Dana appeared in front of me after getting through the door.

"Damn, you didn't even tell me you were having an orgy."

"Sorry, I'll make sure to email you next time." She snickered lowly at my comment, probably not wanting the others to wake up as well. "Need something?"

"I just felt bad about eating Casey's yogurt the other day and brought her some more. By the way, are you guys together already?"

"Why are people so fixated on romance? Why can't I make a new friend and that's all that it is?"

"I don't know, probably the way you look at her and she looks at you? I think you haven't realized because you're usually in your own little world, but it's not hard to see," Dana pointed, and maybe she was right.

Well, at least the way I looked at Casey since I wasn't sure of how she saw me.

"I don't really wanna date anyone right now, and I'm just not sure if I'm the right person for Casey anyways."

"Believe me, Hunt, if there's someone out there who's the right person for her, that person is you, so don't think too much."

I smiled before saying goodbye to Dana, who placed the yogurt in the fridge before leaving, but I couldn't help but overthink.

How was I supposed to tell them the whole truth? How were they going to react? Maybe it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but what if it was?

Fuck my life, I'm too dramatic for this.

I looked down at the sleeping Casey on my chest, who moved a little until her head was nuzzled on my neck. Seeing her like this wasn't making things any easier.

I couldn't help but use my free arm to stroke her hair lightly, and I swear I heard purring.

Do wolves purr?

It was more like an involuntary soft growl, but it was still pretty cute.

After a couple more minutes, I couldn't stay there anymore, or else my bladder would probably explode.

I carefully got myself off Casey, which was harder than expected since she straight up hugged me like an oversized sloth, but I eventually got out of her grip. She may have whined a bit, but I wasn't so sure.

After I left the bathroom, I decided to prepare breakfast for everyone, but not before I drank one of the camouflaged blood bags from the fridge.

I got the eggs and the bacon and started preparing them when I noticed that I wasn't alone anymore.

"Morning, Mason," I greeted the still sleepy-looking werewolf.

"Hey, Hun. Making breakfast?"

I nodded, and he said he was going to make some coffee to help me.

"So, how are you doing these days?" He asked, and I decided to check the living room before answering.

The three of them who were sleeping were now cuddling with each other.

"That's not the question you want to ask, is it?"

"Not exactly," he tilted his head playfully. "You know I'm curious about people's love lives."

"Well, there's not much to pry on."

Mason just nodded, and instead of asking more questions, he just changed the subject. He probably felt like I didn't want to talk much about it right now.

"Well, my first question still stands. How are you doing these days? I feel like there's stuff going on with you, and it's like we haven't seen each other much."

"College has been stressing me up, but now that we have this infestation, I'll probably be fine."

"So you've been feeling more stressed?"

"I have." I went closer to the frying pan so I wouldn't burn the eggs, and when I turned back, I noticed Mason staring at my neck.

Was he looking for vampire bites?

"I think you are right about us not spending enough time together. We should make dinner this week."

"We should. There's a new recipe I've been meaning to try," he smiled brightly. If one thing could make Mason's mood twist, it was talking about food. "Also, what routine are you doing for your skin? It's clearer than usual."

B+ or O- three times a week?

"It's just a new facemask, I can show you later."

"I'm smelling good food here." Alice embraced the both of us in a hug, and not so long after that, Avery and Casey joined us.

We all had breakfast and talked more about the dinner Mason and I wanted to cook. We decided that tonight was a good day to make it, and Casey accepted the idea of inviting Dana since she had brought her more yogurt.

The four wolves left since they had some stuff to work with, probably revolving around the full moon night. I may have overheard them talking about trying to look for more clues of the vampire or the possible hunter that was there that night.

I felt a bit bad knowing that they wouldn't find anything since the two people they were looking for were actually me, but at least it allowed me to go training with Haven without having to tell them where I was.

A hybrid, werewolves, and a scooter (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now