Ch. 31 - Catharsis

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All of them were back from their duties, including the witches, and we sat in the living room with three extra faces.

Haven managed to bring Lucius and the first thing he did was to agree on helping us with whatever we needed. He said that he'd fought more wars than probably anyone else, and if this could help so that no others would burst, he was glad to join us and call a few vampire friends.

Apart from him, Lucy was here and Marina was sitting by her side while they held hands.

Yeah, not weird at all.

Troian was sitting on the opposite side, facing the both of them with that passive-aggressive air she rarely had, and Saria had no idea of what to do.

In fact, no one did.

Everyone went silent after Haven and Lucius finished talking, and the tension was so thick you could choke on it.

"So..." I started awkwardly, and everyone's attention turned to me. "You've already talked about what happened earlier?"

"I don't think we needed to clarify many things since the wine bottles, the pool of blood, cracked counter, and a... smashed banana... did enough to tell the story," Saria said, sounding grateful that I did something. "Not to mention the dead bodies. We took care of them, and one of them was still alive, so we'll interrogate him."

"Good!" I said, trying to sound excited. "And thank you, Lucy. For the chandelier and all."

I cringed a bit at her name. The fact that I couldn't call her Mrs. Soilé like I did before was awkward, but not as awkward as the silence I just broke.

"Don't mention it, dear."

Apart from Troian, she did her best to be nice to me when no one was looking. I still remember when she decided not to tell Silas when she saw me stealing food and covered up for me.

"It would have been easier to find you if the rooms weren't soundproof though," she chuckled, and Saria did the same.

Horny witch. She had a soundproof spell in the damn kitchen.

"We just like to make sure that every guest has privacy," the witch cleared her throat. "But perhaps I should remove the spell for now. It isn't safe."

"How did those hunters get past the portal? Troian said that only supernaturals could."

"Well, I think you know the answer, don't you?" Saria said, and she was right.

"They had magic in their blood. Silas infused them somehow. How does he even do that?"

"We're not quite sure, but let's not get too deep in thought right now." She turned her attention to the woman sitting next to Lucy.

Marina, the major alpha. The kind of woman you see at night and you pee your pants. She looked fancy, scary, ready to murder you, like the person who steals candy from children and laughs when they cry for their parents.

I liked that about her.

"Avery filled me in on what's happening and I think it is a good opportunity," Marina said, and soon enough Troian was speaking.

"Really? A good opportunity? Let me guess, that's what you thought when you considered banging my mom?"

The others remained dead silent, and the room was now filled by Casey's and I's snicker. We just couldn't help it, but maybe we should stop since even Alice was holding herself back.

"Honey, I know you're upset but-" Lucy tried to intervene, but it wouldn't work.

Troian had to say all she had bottled up if they wanted to mend things.

"UPSET?! I'm not upset!" She yelled, clearly upset. "I'm peachy! Better than ever! Living the life of my dreams after almost being killed by our awesome Liliana! Trying to keep everything from falling apart because you left. I had to deal with Silas, with the twins, with Jace, with our dear Isabel that at some point started to call me mom cause you weren't there. Did you ever consider doing something differently? At least doing something that would keep her safe?"

Everything went quiet again. No one even dared to breathe while Troian and Lucy were staring at each other.

"ANSWER. ME." She yelled, making us all jump. "I understand why you'd want to run, but couldn't you at least have thought about her? The newborn baby that you were leaving in that hellhole?"

"I knew Isabel would be fine, you had each ot-"

"You knew Isabel would be fine since she had me?!" Troian was now laughing psychotically. "And what about me, mom?" She spat the word like an offense. "Would I be fine too? 16 year-old-me who had to take care of everything while getting beaten up by them every five minutes? You don't have the right to say that you knew we'd be okay because you knew we wouldn't be."

"I know a thing or two about deciding to take care of yourself, but guess what? At least when I ran with Saria I had the guts to promise Isabel I'd be back for her, something you didn't even consider doing," she continued, getting up. "Actually, I tried taking her with me, but when she wasn't with me, she was being guarded by God knows how many hunters because Silas didn't want to risk anyone else leaving."

One thing I remembered was how Troian was usually up late to take care of Isabel. I'd help her if I could, but they wouldn't allow me to get close to her or she'd be infected with my rebellious ideas.

She wanted to make sure that Isabel would be able to defend herself against the world if a mission didn't work out and she died, or in case the twins disobeyed the rule of not doing anything before she was ten and tried something when she wasn't around.

Lucy suffered a lot by being there. She sure did. But I wish that she had done things a bit differently.

Her face showed that she was shocked. And who wasn't?

Things were never good with Silas and they only got worse after she left. The twins, who only treated me badly, started to lash out at Troian too after a couple of years, the same thing with Jace.

"So, Lucy, don't tell me that you regret cause we both know that it won't make a difference," she said, getting ready to go upstairs again. "I'll catch up on you guys later."

Just as she was about to leave, some words made her stop.

"I'm sorry."

Troian scoffed.

"You should apologize to the kids you left there, not to me."

And with that, she went to her room, Saria leaving right behind her.

Everyone was in a bitter mood, but Sinna knew she couldn't waste this chance to talk to Marina and suggested that they talk a bit more privately alongside Avery and Lucius so they could think of a plan.

After they left, I asked the others for a moment alone with Lucy.

I knew she was destroyed after what Troian said to her, and she most certainly had questions just the way I did, and we had to sort things out sooner or later.

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