chapter 27:on the wrong foot

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A.N:new character in this chapter .thank you all for reading this means a lot and so do your comments and votes .


Avalon's pov

Well, this definitely is his house .
I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it all the way to the front porch.

I rang the bell but no one answered it.
Well I guess I'll be opening the door myself.
After several attempts with my pin the door unlocked .
Works eveytime.

I brought my suitacse upstairs and threw myself on bed.i can imagine my brother's face when he sees me .I guess thats the only thing I've been looking forward to ever since mom told me I shouldn't come.

I kicked my leather boots off accidently knocking down a painting on the wall.Like I care .

I went over to my suitcase and opened it .To my great surprise, it wasn't mine.
I held the ginormous shirt and shook my head in annoyance.
"This is just fucking great!"
I got an old man suitcase instead .

After I calmed my shit down I decided to take a shower , but what will I wear?
I walked over to alecs closet and found that it wasn't all occupied by his clothes.
'Must be that mate of his 'I thought.
I held a black button up with lace detailing at the top.
I bet this looks better on me than her which makes it totally fair and acceptable.
I didnt even give it a second thought , I just grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom.

After my shower I heard a noise back in the bedroom.must be alec.I can't wait to see his face .

I was still buttoning up my shirt when the door to the bathroom opened and a female voice rang throughout the place.
"Alec I thought you said-"poor thing looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Who are you?"I asked .
I was aware of her burning gaze and all I did was stare back with a smirk.
"Aren't I supposed to be asking you this?"

"I'm waiting for Alec .Do you by chance know where he is?"
The girl's eyes turned wide but she didn't dare stay in the room any longer she ran out .
sheesh what her problem.

minutes later alec came in with a confused and a shocked face.
"Well took you long enough"

"Avalon what the hell are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too brother.I know that you told mom not to get me , but I really want to meet that lovely mate of yours now where is her highness? "

"I think you already did.what did you say to her?" I saw him shaking with a bit rage.
"Wait ,that deer was your mate?"I laughed but he growled.

"Oh your not kidding.look I didn't do any mojor thing .She just needs to calm her shit down"
"Look this is exactly why I didn't want you here! What has it been an hour and you already frightened my mate away!"

"Actually its only been 35 minutes"i smirked proudly.
"Well please sweet jesus help us the next few days"

"Stop you little drama queen .just go run to your mate and let your stupid mate bond tie you down"

"You know one day you'll find your mate and all this act your putting up will shatter into a trilllion pieces." I grew quite but then I regained my quirkiness back and replied.

"trust me that will never happen"

I was in my favourite place in the world .A place where no one can judge you for your mistake.A place where you can drain all the pain away .
My blood was already 90% tequila .

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