chapter 10

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Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear.

Stephen King

I can't sleep! My bed and I had the best relationship for my entire existence and now it wants to breakup! Why? Ok I officially lost it.

These nightmares are shitting me, I really mean it .Come take a look at the dark sacks under my eyes .
I bet your going to have a mini heart attack.It's still midnight and I'm sleepless. What can I do hmm?

Me: pool party at my house!

Brain: you're going to send invitations to people at the middle of the night to a pool party and you don't even have a pool.

Me: Pool parties at my house get your own pool!

soo I texted Rima sayings "SOS"

She directly came 8 minutes later barging into my apartment with her yellow pajamas, fluffy 'Homer Simpson' slippers, and a hair curler in her hands.

"What's the emergency?"She looked around every corner worriedly, while waving her curler like its some sort of magical star wars sword.

"Umm nothing actually"

"Do you know what SOS stands for?"she crossed her arms over her chest accusingly.

"Save our soul, save our ship, sink or swim. Was introduced in 1908..."I was cut by Rima.

"Dude chill I only asked for one meaning"

"It happens a lot I think I read an article about it and now it's stuck up here"i said pointing to my head.

"Then why did you use SOS?"She asked.

"Umm I saw it in a pretty little liar's episode and thought it was cool"

"Oh well then I'm here"she said as she jumped on the sofa.

"Great now I really can't it's been 2 days and it never gets peaceful"i complained

"Oh your having nightmares, why didn't you say sooo...I bet you didn't get any beauty sleep lately "she said playfully.

"You got that right"

We kept chating about some patients and some events from today until we both eventually got tired and drifted to sleep.


I was standing in front of a house that looked oddly familiar. I walked inside and spotted wooden framed pictures on the entrance wall. I removed the layer of dust that covered the old pictures and inspected them. In the pictures I saw little me being held by a woman and a man.

The woman was holding me in such a motherly way, while the man held pride in his sparkling emerald eyes.


I heard a sound from behind me. The door flew open and the fog was chocking the area.

'talk about creepy 'I thought out loud.I started walking to the backdoor when I heard footsteps behind me .

I quickened my pace and got out of the house where the lake was .I then did the stupidest thing anyone can think of...yeah ah ha you know what it is- I looked behind me.

There I saw the shadow leaping at me and behind it was the house that now looks like a replica of granddads .The intruder shoved me on the ground and started dragging me bristly by the hair to the edge of the wooden path of the lake.

Tears started leaking out from my eyes as I knew what was going to happen .suddenly, my face was brought to the bone-chilling water. I kept struggling, hitting with my legs, splashing water everywhere. However,his callous hands were still roughly cagging my throat.I tried screaming ,but more water would come in and i started chocking.

"Elina...Elina!Elina!"someone screamed

**end of dream*

"Elina" She says quietly, trying to
wake me.

"Elina, wake up!" She now cried and shook me harder. I jolted up from my nightmare breathing heavily. My eyes flew open, terror filled them for a brief moment before
confusion, then relief. Beads of sweat slide fown my forehead.

"what happened !are you ok?"she asked cautiously.

As soon as i opened my mouth to talk water came out.I started coughing it out.It felt like my entire lung was filled with gallons of salty water.

Rima soon recovered from her half mouth open/half mouth close situation and started patting me on my back.Trying her best to compose herself and I on the other hand was struggling to get rid of the burning feeling in my lungs.

.........5 min later 

"What the hell was that?" Rima asked while handing me a cup hot chocolate.she was pacing through the room ever since the whole thing happened.

" I really have no idea "I answered while trying to hide myself in the blanket. 

"Can you tell me your dream in details?"She said

"Fine ...but don't freak out" that got me a nod from her. 

After the 'Explanasion' there was silence for a few minutes until she spoke the next few words.

"so your telling me you had a dream about someone drowning you in a lake and then you wake up coughing about 2 full cups of salty lake water?"she asked with her raised eyebrows.i nodded 

"that is creepy on so many levels"she finally said after taking some time to process the information. 

"I dont think you'll be getting that beauty sleep any time you wanna watch a movie perhaps?" 

"sure i'll go make the popcorn"i jumped out of the bed. Acting as if nothing happened.

I just hope I get one peaceful night soon enough or else I'll turn into a part time zombie.



A.N sup sup minions ?sooo not much to  say .I mean my life isnt as cool as any tv show, even the Flinstones had a way more interesting life than me. (true story)

oh u know what might be the only intresting thing I did in weeks .so I went to this tumor lab with my friend and her dad and we basicly did stuff with cool I know! anyways thanx for reading

oh and  a special thanx to a great fan (@isabelle_mary) she is simply the definition of awesome:)


stay tuned for more upcoming chapters 

of L♥ve sick alpha

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