chapter 7

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I got lost In your ocean-green eyes
And I drowned
In the sweetest desire
Of your warm gaze
Wave after wave
With no chance

To survive.

-Veronika Jensen

Zander's pov

"You dont understand i need you to stop this ride right now "i commanded.
The operator boy seems to be human and won't listen to me.
"Where is your manager!" I was furious.

"Here" the old man came from behind the game operator .
I can sense his wolf.

I move closer to the old man and say

"I need to get up there right hear me"My alpha tone taking over.

The man nodded fearfully and pulled down a lever.the ferris wheel soon came to a stop.
Here goes nothing I said as I climbed my way to my mate.

Elinas pov

The ride came to a stop and we were at the very top.

"Im scared !"Emily cried.
I can see wesely trying his best not to look out at the view .
"Look im sure its just for a minute or two and then we'll be down in no time"i tried calming them down,but i can see the tears building up in both their eyes.

"How about we play a game "
They seem to calm down a bit after i said game.
"What is it?"she asked
"Well its called guess who?you pick a known person?then we ask you questions by yes and no answers"

I went first saying
"Guess who?"
This game should distract them from the shaking.
"Boy?" They asked
"Actor?"wesely asked.
" tv show?"emily asked
"Starts with a Z?"emily asked shyly.
"Yeah"wow they really are good
"Zack efron!"they yelled.

I felt the ride shaking again .Emily hugged wesely and they came closer to my side.
I looked from the other side and saw all the people looking up in terrified looks.

"Oh look it's the alpha!he's going to save us"emily cheered.

The what now?
I looked to where the kids where looking and surely there was a guy climbing up our way.
Is he fucking mental?!
I made the kids sit far away from the door and opened it.

"Here let me help you " i yelled and extended my arm .
I was so scared the kids were holding on to my legs preventing me from falling forward .
He looked at me in utter shock then snapped out of it and held my hand .
I swear i felt electricity as I gasped.
He pulled himself up and into the ride.
I quickly closed the door and blew out a breath.I closed my eyes for a second to calm my nerves down .
Why is everything suddenly happening today? I asked myself.

I lifted my eyes up and sucked in a
breath as I locked gaze with the handsome guy. He had a nice jaw line making him look intimidating yet sexy and his gorgeous electric blue eyes with flicks of golden around the pupil making me melt under his gaze .

He looked to be about 6'5  with a very fit body that looked well toned

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He looked to be about 6'5 with a very fit body that looked well toned.his arm had a tattoo making him look sexy, and omg his-

This can't be good. I bet I have some cotton candy in my hair, or maybe caramel stuck between my teeth.

Hmm the best thing to do right now is to jump out of this ride . yeah jump like Spider Man ,then my picture would be all over the news

Girl comits suicide from farris wheel

God ,I wish I had a parachute with me right now. I stop thinking and notice how it's so dark .
Ha? oh right my eyes are closed again.
though I don't even remember closing my eyes. I must have been too cought up with my escape plan.

I opened my eyes to meet the guy who was currently doing nothing but staring back at me .
so this really wasn't a dream.
I pinched myself again and again but he's still there , definitely not a hologram ,and I can still see a smile playing on his lip.

Holy chocolate fudge ! THAT GUY IS A SUPER FINE looking potato. I mean if he was a potato he would be a hot one!or maybe a sweet potato!well it looks like the logic side of my brain isn't functioning right now,but really Elina hot potato! As I said before deep shit...

It felt like a century being captured by his compelling eyes that had some sort of emotion which weren't very comprehensible , but as soon as I took in my surroundings I found that the ride operator was opening the door for us to leave.Ha weren't we on top of the ride a few minutes ago ?

Brain:Time flies when you look into your lover's eye

me: -_-

I had this james bond moment just as I directly rushed out of the ride and diffused between the crowd who were all settling on the ground in groups.
I looked back trying to spot the guy.I saw him looking sideways as he got out of the rides.

suddenly all the electricity shut down and silence took over.I began to panic and adrenaline is running through my veins .whats going on?
Fire works appeared in the sky and I directly relaxed sighing in relif.It was breathtaking.
The sky looked like an artificial painting with splashes of each colour and sparks everywhere .The beautiful colors were shimmering in the sky like confetti.

I sat in an empty spot and looked around me again.The guy was no where to be found.I guess that was my plan from the beginning so why do I feel a little disappointed.some kid handed me a candle and asked ne light it up. I didn't question him I just did what I was told to do.when the fire works stopped everyone had a candle in their hand .It was a beautiful setting with some calm music playing and the smoke from the fire work clearing out.

The show eventually ended and everyone started leaving,but I stayed for a bit . It's not like I have anything else to do .
'I'm basicly a loner' I admitted to myself .
I laid my head on the luscious grass and watched the shiny stars in the clearing sky.There were no lights at all and that's what made the stars stand out.I sat there under the curtain of stars and thought
Of certain electric blue eyes.


Zander's pov

I knew there was something suspicious about that smell.My wolf was howling with joy once he was near her.At the beginning her scent was fully human but as soon as she touched my shoulder her scent changed?the new scent of hers attracts me like Im on a leach.

though, my wolf is a bit hurt from how she ran away from us.almost a 8 on a scale of rejection. When a wolf find his mate for the first time , they usually get all possessive .especially if that wolf is an alpha like myself . However I know better than to frighten my mate away.Now you might be asking why I didn't follow her after she left.who said I didn't...

she was sitting alone for some time watching the stars .while I was hiding behind the bushes like a creep.
'so much for a great beginning'i mutter under my breath

I wanted to know more about her like where she lived, how old is she, what does she do for living,but I soon got a call from the pack patrol saying that there were rouges near the pack boarders.Same ones that have been sneaking into our pack for the past 3 weeks.I hated myslef for leaving my mate.

"Fuck"i cursed to myself before shifting to my giant wolf.
Great just another one of my decent outfits to get ripped and ruined.

I looked back to find that my little mate have disappeared.I'll find you soon.Really soon... I mean how hard can it possibly be .


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