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"Guys is it me or do I see 2 Porches"Rima rubbed her eyes and looked again.

"Your vision is just fine love.shall we?"alec chuckled.
Rima squealed and raced to the passenger seat .

"Why don't we share a car?"I asked seeing no use of splitting up.

"Alec wants some alone time later with his mate and I thought the same.so we will eventually split up but we are heading to the same place now" zander explained as he opened the passenger seat for me.

"Thank you" i politely said.

"Anytime love"he winked.

We ended up going to a local restaurant since we were dying of hunger .

"I feel like I'm about to order everything on the menu "alec groaned.

"No one is stopping you "laughed the lady as she approached us.

"May I take your order now?"she asked.

"Yes," we all blurted at once.

We basically attacked the food when it came.I guess we did order a little too much.
"I'm so full but the food is soo good that I'll literally eat whatever is left so they don't have to clean this plate,"Rima said as she slumped down in her chair.
We all laughed .

After paying the bill we decided to stroll around the town .The streets were too small for cars anyways.
From somewhere nearby, we heard a man shouting .I felt the three of them tense up then relax

"Gelato!Get your fresh Gelato"the man yelled.
Werewolve instincts.I rolled my eyes.

I saw zanders eyes dart to the man then back to me as though he was asking me whether I wanted to go.
I nodded and raced him to the stand.

Once we got the ice cream we wandered in the streets and somehow landed on a beautiful spot .It was high up so we got the best view you could possibly imagine.

It was high up so we got the best view you could possibly imagine

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"If only we can pause this moment" I sighed.

"Well, we could"zander said as he held me tightly.his breath was tickling my ear.I looked back at him.

His eyes say what his mouth isn't
The look that is an impeccable blend of sexy yet vulnerable making my heart beat down my chest and my lips tremble. his cloudy eyes look at mine then very gradually they lower and settle on my lips.I stay dazed with my lips slightly parted to notice anything .

it was just me and him less than an inch away from each other he didn't do anything and neither did i. we just stood there for what feels like centuries drowning in each other's eyes.it felt right and somehow exhilarating.

"Those moments just before a kiss, are the ones that make you feel like the earth stopped rotating and all what's around you froze"he whispered later.i smiled happily to know he felt the same way.
"Well, of course, everything freezes except me and you"I added.
Zander smiles then suddenly freezes .

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