chapter 21

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The sunbeams danced along my eye lids

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The sunbeams danced along my eye lids.

I opened my eyes slowly and tilted my head to look to the person I was snuggling the life out off. Zander's hair was messy and displaced. He looked calm and innocent while he's sleeping. I let my eyes continue to drink him in afraid this might be a hologram. His breath against my face was warm and comforting.

Yesterday he explained everything to me and I started putting pieces of the puzzle together. The first time I saw him was like an awakening to some part of me . Of course I was planning on hitting the library again to look some stuff up .As for now I'm enjoying my morning view.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the view" his mouth moved. Shit I forgot about that mind reading power.

"I'll teach you how to control your thoughts later but as for now "he rolled on top of me.

I felt his hands caressing my neck, sliding up to my cheek and into my hair. I breathed in all that was zander -his aftershave and his shampoo. I froze on spot as I felt warm lips on the back of my neck making goose bumps parade all over my skin. His firm, warm mouth worked up over my jaw and along my chin.

His phone buzzed making his jaw form a straight line.

"What!"He snapped.Slowly his face tirned from anger to guilt.

"Oh right I forgot ... Okay give me 40 minutes "he scratched the back of his neck and he hung up.

"I need to supervise the training. Hey! I've got an idea how about you join us "his eyes sparkling and I just couldn't say no,or maybe because i actually wanted to do something different.

"Okay sure" I swung my legs over the side of the bed and made my way towards my bathroom. I pulled my hair up away from my face and brushed my teeth with a minty tooth paste then applied my morning face wash. I saw my reflection in the mirror. There was some color in my cheeks and my eyes were unusually vibrant. I went to my closet and pulled out my workout clothes, which I newly purchased from Victoria secret. I changed quickly and fixed my hair into a ponytail.

"Elena are you done ?"zander yelled from the hallway.

"Yeah just a second" I said while managing to hop off to his room and slip in my Nike shoes.

"All done" I exhaled.

We both grabbed apples and tea for breakfast. I personally avoid eating a big breakfast if I was going to workout. The last thing I need is to throw up in front of the entire pack.

Zander was already heading to the backyard, where there was a great number of people stretching. Some were too old to stretch I'll leave that up to you and your imagination. I found an empty spot and joined in.

It all started simple with the stretching that involved the yawning and the casual side bending then we went on with intense cardio. When I say intense I mean we were basically fighting each other off.

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