chapter 15:first date

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A week has passed by so quickly.

I guess you can say i was consumed by my work .

I woke up pretty early this morning to the sound of a howl. is it me or did the system change from chrakadodoodledo to a morning howl?

I headed to the bathroom to freshen up.I know it's kind of uncanny to hear this, but I am truly a morning person .

I lit some lavender candles and prepared for a warm bath.squirming out of my pj's I gallantly brought my legs to the steamy water.

"ha ha hot"I yelped but then I relaxed as I got accustomed to the warmth.I then checked my granddad's watch for the was 6 am.oh yes if your wondering, i wear his watch all the time .Its one of the few things that remind me of him.It has AL his initials carved just at the side which stands for

Alexander Lockwood.

The water was still warming up.

'might as well finish my book' i thought to myself.I got out of the bathroom after grabbing a towel .I was mindlessly looking for the book near the balcony unaware of the presence of someone in the room until I heard a sharp intake.

I immediately brought the towel closer to my chest and turned around to come face to face with zander but this time, his eyes looked a wee bit different.

I forgot about the entire situation as I took a step closer to him and held his face to inspect his eyes. doctor instinct what can I do. I looked deeply into them trying to cover up any unnecessary emotions keeping a professional mask on.His eyes were no longer the crystal blue shade they were when I last saw him.They were much darker almost electric with golden rings around the him this dangerous edgy look.

' Hmm, this effect may be hyper or hypo pigmentation. Either excess or lack of melanin" I said still forgetting about the towel.

 Either excess or lack of melanin" I said still forgetting about the towel

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Zander seemed to be lost in thoughts. I snapped my fingers to capture his attention. He then starts blinking and bam! the color changes back to normal. Again I was scrunching my face in confusion.

"Your eyes they were dark- They were- and now they are--" I couldn't even form proper sentences clearly not hiding my utter shock. He looked around the room for inspiration then he said.

"It must be the light, " he said unsurely avoiding my gaze.

Well, that surely doesn't make sense.My head was going through all the possible reasons why his eyes changed pigmentation, but I noticed how uncertain he was when replying ,raising my suspicion.I guess he felt that too.

"I better leave right now. I left you biscuits and coffee on your desk " he said before taking one glance at me and exiting the room.

'is it me or did zander look flushed 'i thought after I found my book and went back to the bathroom still replaying the entire situation over and over again.Maybe I'm over thinking it.

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