chapter 8

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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

-Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

Elina's pov

I gasped and sat up at once.
My chest was rising and falling rapidly. I heard my heart beat racing in my ears .
"Just a bad dream"i whispered.
The sweat droplets were streaming down my forehead.
I felt cold.

My trembling hands went to check the time . 5:13 it said.
I sighed in frustration. This night was just odd. I really couldn't sleep and the screwy thing here is that I always wake up each hour in the night at the same exact minute.

I couldn't handle this anymore .I took a quick shower then once i was done i dialled Rimas number.
After trying her phone one more time ,I got worried.
Why is she not picking up could something have happened ?
She was sick the other day .I didnt really know where she lived.

I decided to go to the clinic early to see her first thing in the morning or I can even see her mom and going there might cool my nerves.

I wasn't actually expecting to have many people inside the clinic until i actually walked in and took in my surrounding.

Holy guacamole

15 bed were occupied by injured patients

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15 bed were occupied by injured patients.It took me a second to register what was happening.
why didn't anyone call me?
I directly rushed my way to the patients throwing the stuff i was carrying in the process onto a random table .

"Here sir let me help you"i said as i got him onto the bed.

"Agha"he squirmed in pain holding onto his arm .
I inspected the deep wound on his upper arm and shot him with something to pain the relief.
I wrapped a bandage securely after cleaning the damaged tissue .

I heard a whizzy cough from behind me.The guy appears to have trouble breathing and his legs were soon going to give out.

"Come with me sir"i helped him up onto the bed and connected an oxygen mask and a cardiac monitor.
I soon got a steady pulse though it was a little higher than usual but it was nothing too risky.

I did the same to other patient .Mrs. rosewood was already there treating as many people as possible. I don't think she saw me yet cause she was honestly way too busy.

I saw the kids wincing in pain their skin was red and inflamed.My heart ached at the sight.Rima came soon and gave them the proper medical attention.

It was a strange sight for me,all this.I just can't put my finger on it but this is unlike anything I've seen before.

I rushed one of my patients to ICU his skin was severely injured and he can catch any infection in that room.

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