40:inbetween ceremony and kidnap

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"You didn't mention anything about your mate having powers?" Noah muttered.

He seemed bothered that no one told him.Zander's eyes held mine as he said
"I didn't think it mattered "
Noah scoffed at his nephew's lack of intrest.

"You know that witches are nearly extinct that should be something worth remembering next time you say its a dull topic"

What the hell is his problem?

"I think i should probably go get ready for work."i stood up not feeling comfortable if i stay in this room any longer.
"Wait I'll come with you, "said zander.
We walked until we reached the bedroom.
"There's something weird going on with your uncle?"i blurted.
Zander sighed.
"He's been acting strange lately but I think it's because he's taking over the patrol and a lot of the packs business. "
"Yeah I guess, "I said, "hey does your uncle have a family?"
"Yeah but I don't know them that well .My uncle never settled in one place.He traveled a lot and his mate and son did too."

"You mean you never met your cousin?"I stopped.
Zander seemed uncomfortable
"Well I guess I did when we were toddlers ,but I didnt see him ever again.I wouldnt even know him now."
zander must have caught on my confusion as he went on explaining.
"My dad and uncle didn't exactly get along well ,but that was a long time ago.When my dad died ,my uncle reached out to me and helped me with the pack until he was sure i was ready" by the look on zanders face I knew that this topic wasn't very easy for him to discuss.

I don't know why but for some reason I felt uneasy.
Zander walked with me to the clinic and on our way there I felt him look strangly around the woods.
"Is there something?"I asked
"No its probably nothing "he dismisses .

"Okay I'll see you after my shift" I kiss him goodbye and marched to the clinic.

"Hello?" I ask as I enter.

"Hey Luna" I hear from the office.
"Shaun?" I questioned putting down my bag.

"Yeah right here " I hear him yell.
I folllow his voice to a very disturbing messy office.
"How are things going?" I ask looking around .
"There aren't any new cases ,but the amount of paperwork can make mountains."
I groaned and nodded.
"Good luck, "he says before he leaves.

After piling the papers into 4 categories i start going through the stacks .
My desk was completely flooded with papers that I had to sit on the ground to finsih up.

"Hey anyone here?"
I heard a guys voice.
"Ah Shaun, can you take care of the patient?"
When I heard no reply I checked the time.
His shift finished an hour ago.I got up and hurried out to see the patient.
" I think I broke my arm"the guy winces.
"Let me check it. Can you tell me your name?"
"Connor" he said
I inspected his arm. he hissed in pain
and surely his shoulder was dislocated.
"Okay conor I need you to take one deep breath .this might hurt" he nodded and shut his eyes .
I abruptly popped the bone right back in the socket and heard him grunt.
"That's it" i inform him.
"Wait here and I'll get the pain killers," I told him when I saw him wincing in pain.

I went to the storage and failed to find any pain killers.I was sure we restoked.
I went back to the guy and felt guilty.He's in pain and I cant even provide him ith simple pain killers.

"Connor, can you do me a favor ?" I asked.
He nodded .
"Lay on the bed and turn to your other side" I instructed him so that his back was facing me.
I touched his injured shoulder and concentrated on channeling my power.
I pretended to massage the area as I did so he wouldn't question me.

Once I was done I helped him get up.
"Where did you learn that ?my shoulder feels as good as new"he commented.

"We learn it in physiotherapy " I lied.

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