chapter 11

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Elina's pov

"Got stuck in a jungle puttin' down roots,

Brandy and Mr. Whiskers!

Side by side,
different as day or night,

but it's quite all right,
sharing a life in the trees.

Nose to nose,
they can be friends or foes,

whether they're whining or minding their manners,

they're driving each other bananas!
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers! "

I sang mostly to myself. Rima was peacefully sleeping on the couch after watching the second movie she directly dozed off. I on the other hand am too anxious to sleep. Its 5:30 am right now and you know what?

Its a perfect time for a morning jog. Yes, all humanity is sleeping while I on the other hand insanely think about a morning jog.yupp that's me! (That's so Raven)

I changed into my training clothes and told Rima that I'm leaving. She replied by saying something about leaving her hibernate and Aunt Judy? Who knows what that girl was thinking? Before leaving, I Left her a sticky note on her face just in case.

It was kind of dark the sun didn't really come out yet, but you can still see the gloomy clouds in the sky. The slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground .The ground was moist from the previous night making my footing to slip, yet keeping me on my toes .The neighborhood was really peaceful .It didn't seem like many people lived here.

I stopped by the lake to catch my breath. "you have reached your destination" I copied my GPS in that weird type of electronic accent. The lake was breathtaking .The sparkling water, swimming swans and ducks gave this place a serene atmosphere. Every time the wind passed by, it left behind a scent of maple and berries so strong that it made my nose twitch. It smelt heavenly organic yet delightfully tasty. My eyes rested on a long rusty rope tied to a tree branch by the lake.yup you guessed it Tarzan Time!

I jumped into the arctic lake in a cannonball and SPLASH! There goes my training clothes... I kept swimming for some time, and then I started drifting on the surface of the crystal clear lake.

 I kept swimming for some time, and then I started drifting on the surface of the crystal clear lake

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I felt a drop fall on my face then another and another. Looks Like it's raining, obviously.

I promptly swam to the edge and climbed out. I then immediately bolted deep in the woods. I kept going but the place looked the identical .All the trees looked the same.

Brain: no shit Sherlock! Were you planning of seeing an ice cream truck in the middle of forests...

The sky was tar-black . So much rain was falling that the sound blurred into one long whirring noise.
It reminded me of the rotor blades of a helicopter.I kept running until my I couldn't feel my legs and my lungs were about to explode.

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