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I was drowning

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I was drowning. My lungs burned .I struggled to get to the surface, but there was something constricting me. Something forcing me down.
something drowning me .
It was strange how clear I could see from underwater .I saw images of a house, a lake house to be precise.bubbles escaped my mouth as I struggled to stay up.

I finally stopped resisting and sank deeper into the water.I stopped fighting the urge to swim.why bother I thought .I want to rest and my eyelids felt heavy.

"Stay with me please! "I heard the voice filled with disperasion.My head jerked sideways and my eyes opened up in surprise. Zander I thought. Every cell in my body cried in pain.

I struggled to kick my legs, to swim , to fight for my life.I kept swimming until I finally broke the surface of the water.

I gasped bolting upright.

"Shes awake!"someone yelled.

"Make sure she's stable"another voice said.Hands were all over me making me want to shrink back and retract.My eyes were still adjusting to the bright light.
I coughed hard and pulled back as my coughs got stronger .

I started coughing out water , salty water to be specific.The entire room fell to silent clearly shocked. Zander who was holding my hand throughout this entire thing had his eyes wide open in surprise.

I gulped and tried to breath.

"What just happened?"zander whispered but only silence rewarded him.

After some time passed they were done with the check ups.Rima sat in the corner of the clinic just starting at the empty wall.

"How long have I been out?"my voice felt so rough, so unusual.

"A few days " zander answered.

'A few day' I kept repeating those words in my head.

"What day is it today?"I asked afraid.
Zander stayed silent for a moment.

"October 6th"rima spoke from across the room.
October 6? Weren't we in September I thought to myself .The party was on september 25 meaning I was out for 11 days.The room fell to suffocating silence again.

"Can you all just leave "my voice broke.I just shut my eyes as soon as my voice came out.it sounded so hoarse so unfimiliar .zander squeezed my hand before letting go.

I heard the door close behind them.I removed all the wires attached to me.I closed all the beeping machines and sat on the side of the bed and gathered my thoughts. I kept thinking of the party going through every single detail I can remember .

I thought of the people I danced with, the balcony, the backyard, the dissiness, but what was before ? What caused all this?

I walked out of the room and strolled across the street only wearing a thin sheet of clothes .The weather was cold outside that I could see my breath.

I found my way back to the mansion.
I went through the same balcony door from that night.The ballroom was still the same all the tables were still there in the same arrangement.
The lights were still on the stairs and the decoration was still hung.I walked toword the center of the room and tried to think.


I remember him but he didn't have anything to do with this.I accidently bumped into a table and I stopped. I remember leaving my unfinished drink at this table before heading outside.

The red masked guy

His face flashed into my mind. He seemed so insisting that I have a drink and when his mask fell he seemed afraid.

I stumbled more falling on the floor.what could have happened if I drank the entire thing.
I closed my eyes trying not to overthink it.

An hour has passed when I heard the door open.

I felt someone carrying me .I trembled and tried to move.

"it's okay love"a soothing voice said .
I knew that voice from anywhere .

I let my eyelids drop for a second . I heard his heartbeat and it felt like a lullaby luring me to sleep.

For the entire night I had these horrendous nightmares. I was sweating and trembling with fear.
I kept waking up continuously. It wasn't exactly up to me.My nightmares seemed to chase me even more after my accident. I would wake up gasping for air with wild eyes.zander, who was sitting by the bedside reading a book, would calm me down and put me back to sleep. We even place a bucket next to the bed in case I choked again.

I knew zander was tired and I couldn't stop feeling guilty that its my fault he's up all night and day

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I knew zander was tired and I couldn't stop feeling guilty that its my fault he's up all night and day.Watching over me.I pretended to sleep and awaited for him to do the same.his head would rest on the side of the armchair then would suddenly jerk up in hope of staying awake.

He stood up and went to lay down next to me. His book was still in his hand and the light on the night stand was on.I snuggled closer to him still pretending to be asleep. His hands restested on mine and his chin was just above my head.

Some time passed and he still haven't moved. I slowly moved away and got up.his eyes were tightly closed so I went over to his side, closed the book, and turned off the light.

It looks like I'll be up late I thought. I decided to go check my room next door. Tiptoeing slowly, I walked into my room which looked exactly how I left it.My makeup was still on the dresser, my pj's and towel were on the floor, and my curling wand was on the bed.I spotted a fimialiar looking book by my nightstand.
It was the leather book I stole from Simon.

Deciding to check it out, I grabbed it and went back to zanders room where I sat peacefully on the bed next to him . It was a bit difficult reading in dim light but my eyes soon got accustomed.I scrolled down pages that talked about legends and myths.

I was turning some pages when I reached a suspecious empty page in the middle of the book. The edges of the page were glazed in golden paint making it stand out from the rest.I inspected it once more but with the screen light of my phone.

The light showed that something was in between the golden pages.I got a tooth pick from my nightstand and brought it carefully on the edge of the page.after several attempts the page sliced up into two .There was a thin envelope in a very fragile state.

The plan is set
Once the luna is sedated
You know what to do
Meet us at midnight
Place the box in her room just before you leave .

Was there any chance that one of the pack memebers was the breach?
Could it be simon?
He wasnt there the night Of the ball,which raised my suspicion even more.
Were they planning on killing me?

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