chapter 14

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I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

-Jorge Luis Borges

I was having my own tour around the house while attempting to plug in my headphones to my screen broken IPod .

I broke it once while I was jogging and yes it was tragic.

The hallways seemed endless with so many doors and baffling turns .What caught my attention was a polished wooden door with a carved in roman decor and a silver dragons' head .'Interesting 'I thought. I carefully slid my hand across the head feeling the coldness of the metal. I then slipped inside and shut the door quietly behind me.

I was in complete awe of what was in front of me. You know how in
"beauty and the beast" Bella reacts when she sees the library, I believe I looked the same in cartoon form except with my jaw dropped to the floor like in "tom and jerry". This place puts my favorite libraries to shame.

There were huge windows at the back of the library that gives a magnificent view, while also bringing some powerful light into the place . The shiny wooden floors that look newly polished. The great thing about this place was that it had tall ladders found nearly everywhere . The library walls were filled with rows upon rows of books.

The smell of the library was different .I got nastolgic from the cozy smell coming from the old books and their pages on the untouched shelves. I passed by spacious aisles while inspecting the books feeling overwhelmed .you know when you're waiting for the last book in your favorite series to come out and you're on your last nerves. That is just the perfect description of what I'm feeling right now.

I was humming to a song on my retarded mp3 player while managing to carry as much books as possible to the nearest vacant table .suddenly a figure out of nowhere comes right in front of me. It was too late for me to stop.

The entire Mount Olympus that I was carrying fell on top of me.ladies and gentlemen let me intoduce you to The fall of mount Olympus .

"Ouch "I hissed in pain.

"omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to...its your scent "someone panicked or so I think it's someone so why are there 3 people .

"It's okay "I said unsure if I have any injuries. I removed the books from my way to stand upright.


"Rima?"I questioned while standing upright.

"YEAH ITS ME ..wait what are you doing in the library!no wait what are you doing here as in here ?"she said half panicked looking around to make sure no one is there.

"I'm here because I'm bored, and I'm here as in the house because apparently zander says its part of the job or something like that"i explained while still unsure of the situation and also because I called my boss by his first name.she now looked even more confused but she eventually shrugged it off.

"so what your telling me is that you live here now?"i nodded.

"awesome!I'm hungry lets grab a bite "she said.

after passing through the kitchen and literally grabbing every edible thing out of it. I was still carrying my books and managing to carry the food too.We went up the stairs and headed left.From what I can see this looks like a busy part of the house,unlike where my room is. Which is quite peaceful. I'm not complaining though.

we made our way into the broad hallways filled with many wicked art work. They gave this hallway an artistic edge.Rima must have noticed how all my attention was directed to them so she said

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