chapter 2 :Meet the Alpha

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(Alpha Zander's  pov)

"They ran away "

"What do you mean they escaped"
I was beyond angry.

"There were five of them and each took  seperate ways and we only had 2 enforcers in that area."

"Your telling me all five of them escaped "my temper was getting the best of me and I knew it.I blew out a frustrated breath and glanced back at my beta.

"Assign a team to track them down and i want updated reports"

"Yes Alpha"

"One more thing jared"


"Any updates on the new doctor ?"i asked.

"Yeah the doctor is supposed to be interviewed today"jared informed me.

"Everyone is talking about the town's newbie "he grinned. Typical pack members can't leave a living soul without spreading fake rumors about their lives , family,criminal records, addiction history, drinking problem, and divorced wives.whatever you think just name it and they will be your own walking Wikipedia.I mean how many hours has it been since the new pack doctor arrived ?The FBI should really consider hiring my pack members.

"I really dont have time to interview her "i sighed and held the clipboard for the interview.

"Its a her ?" He questioned.

I looked his way and smirked
"Does it make a difference now ?will you be willing to interview her"

"Show me that"he snatched the clipboard out of my hand making me laugh .
"Wait there is no picture!"he exclaimed

"Now now buddy you will be interviewing her according to her qualifications not her looks" i know im enjoying this too much .

"Fine be it.I like surprises" he grinned and left with the clipboard.

Well thats that.

I headed to the balcony where I shifted into my grey wolf .My wolf was kind of special... well to me since most pack alpha had brown wolves and rarely was there any grey or black.That whiny wolf wouldn't shut up from yesterday .
It's like having exploding head syndrome.That's why I'm making my run much longer than my usual , which is 5 hours .You know how birds feel free when flying thats how I feel when I run in wolf form.
Lets just say yes katty perry I really do feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind.For the past few years jared was my only close friend if you don't consider work.

My work was like a clingy girl friend .
yes ,that is the best way to describe it and when you my friend are in that situation then you should deal with it how most men do , but unfortunately for me I cant actually breakup with my work .Since many as in a tremendous amount of people and pack members are depending on me , and failing them would make me barbaric in a way .

The ground was still wet from the heavy rain yesterday night .I just hope that my wolf will be too tired to annoy me by the end of the run ...


Jared pov/beta pov

Zander has been kind of cranky  lately.
He said he's fine when I asked him but I'm his best friend and I do worry about him.

Ever since yesterday, he's been on the edge .I snickered just thinking that it's his time of the month again . He's not always that paranoid .He's actually too busy with work that you can never tell when he's having fun . Lately,It's been tough for him, for all of us to be precise . These past few month we have only been dealing with rogues crisis .

I'm currently heading out to meet the newbie. It's a little unusual for any pack to hire a normal human doctor let alone a woman (i know we  sound very sexist) , but all the new wolf generations are too lazy to go through the years of studying and torture of medical school.Another reason would be them finding their mate , which is a really good excuse.
I mean if I find my mate I wouldn't dare leave her just for the sake of becoming a doctor .Then again I still didn't find her .How would I possibly know?

I entered the office and made my way to the chair without even sparing a glance at the person sitting in front of me.
I brought the papers closer for a better inspection.
Taking a cursory look at the files and the certificates that were pretty impressive , I sighed of relief .I don't think I'll be needing to interview anyone else .
'This one right  here has it all 'I thought.
After scanning the CV twice I raised my head to meet nervous emerald eyes.Her eyes were an unusual kind of green I've never seen before.

"umm,"I said unsure since she seems to be waiting for a response.

I glanced back at the files and papers.I can hear her heartbeat accelerating,her feet drumming,fingers tapping,the humming of a song  that sounded familiar.

"well, all these papers show that your familiar with humans  "I mumbled quietly knowing that she won't hear me .
"do you have any previous job experiences?"i asked
"well, i worked in a hospital just before this job for a while."
"it says here that you worked as a vet assistant .is that true?"
"ah yes but that was in high school " she explained.
i nodded and continued skimming through the qualifications.
"Ms. Lockwood-"
"please call me Elina"she smiled
"okay, then Elina look I'm talking off the papers  now .are you capable of dedicating your time and energy to this job?"
"yes sir of course"
"you can refuse if you don't want to because there will be...a lot of things to take in"I blurted sounding intimidating in a way.

"I really don't mind.The job sounds...challenging and that's what I'm going for "she said while standing up  and smirking .
"well, that's settled.congratulations you got the job . i just want you to go over the contract and sign have till tomorrow morning"
she nodded and placed the contract in her bag.

"how about i show you around?"i suggested mostly because i didn't want her to leave yet.
she smiled and nodded.

I took her in my car and we started driving to the mansion .
I explained to her that im not really her boss i was just interviewing her for someone else.

"Hey i never got your name " she asked .

"Jared" i looked straight at the riad infront of me but couldn't help but smile.


author note:heyyyy amigos so im still searching for the perfect guy for Zander .I know the name Zander is a bit weird but i really got tired of all the repatetion of the same names(blake-jake-josh-logan-nick...)you get my point ,but i wont make the names super hard like "Apichatpong " that's a real name btw and for any of you people with the same name I'm not insulting your name but its unique yupp unique.finally thanx for reading :)

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