29:morning and nights

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I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for breath.

'It's just a nightmare 'i chanted in my head.
I closed my eyes again and faced the other side to end up face to chest with zander.

where the hell did my great wall of china go?

I glanced at the floor and found all the pillows scattered around .So much for keeping a distance ,yet I really can't complain .Our close proximity seemed to calm me down especially after the nightmare. I snuggled closer to his chest and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.
I can blame him tomorrow for the pillows.
I heard the door creek open with the sound of footsteps coming in my direction.

I peeked under the covers for the source.It was Zander.
He had a breakfast tray in his hands .
Oh did he really think he was going to win me over by breakfast ,maybe?
I pretended to wake up and stretched a little bit .

"Morning amor,"he said with his husky voice as he placed a food tray in front of me.

Waffles and chocolate milk .
I think my legs have gone weak.
I smiled shyly.
"Good morning"
I had to bite a moan at the taste of the waffles.

"Don't i get a morning kiss?"

"In your wildest dreams .I'm not losing this bet "i claimed.He groaned.
a suspicious look crossed his face .

"suit yourself then" he walked to the closet and didn't close the door purposely.

that bastard.

he took off his shirt and I couldn't help but peak from under the sheets. His head tilted in my direction satisfied that his plan is working. Oh well, two can play this game.

"zander" I let his name come out in the softest voice I can master as I walked up to him.

I saw him stop in track and look in my direction as I approached him closely.
I bit on my lips for that special effect and I guess it worked as his blue eyes got occupied by dark clouds and golden flecks of lightning.

The lights weren't on in the closet but a few rays of sunshine snuck into the room allowing me to see just enough of him.

My hands laid softly on his shoulders as I leaned closer to him.one of my hand raced up and down his chest playfully. I felt him stiffen momentarily in surprise. I saw him closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

I leaned even closer now my head at the crook of his neck. I inhaled his cologne and felt weak to my knees.
I must stay strong I told myself.

I traced my lips from his collarbone up to his ears and whispered

"I'm not losing this bet that easily, sweetheart"

satisfied with his confused look I backed up and walked away.


"why don't you come over today?" Rima offered.

we were at the clinic chatting and unpacking the new deliveries

"I don't know Rima.aren't you suppose to be with your mate?"I asked while going through a box of sterilized syringes.

"he and his family are visiting their relatives in the neighboring pack "she explained.

"okay let me change after we finish our shift "

I looked over at the boxes and there was something off about them.

"Rima do you have the list of the deliveries?'I asked.she nodded and handed them to me.

"we have 10 boxes missing "I went through the list again and surely there were missing boxes.

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