chapter 4

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 Zander's pov

I've been running for hours now and all I want to do is jump on a king sized bed .Jared has already contacted me to inform me about the big news

"We officially have a new pack doctor!"the boy sounded a bit too excited for something like that.
Although I'm a little curious who this human doctor is since Jared never acts that way toward a girl. He's closed off to everyone except me and a few other people he knows pretty well.

I crossed the pack borders to run by the lake.When this intoxicating scent hit me.It smelled like cotton candy and ice cream if that's even possible.It kinda reminded me of childhood .I've been drooling from that scent without even knowing.

I tracked the scent but it seems to be fading away because of the wind,but there was one spot where traces of that fragrance was still there .It was the log in front of the lake.yumm....who ever this scent belongs to I will find them.

By the time I reached the pack I found Jared snoring on the couch and the tv was on.I wonder what was he watching since it's currently on a children channel.

A great idea my mind .
I took this opportunity to grab a marker and some makeup from one of the pack members.lets just say i applied every dash of creativity on his face . I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't felt a thing I mean for god sake he's my beta!and now he's well umm...

A clown!This makeup thing is so
good his face looks exactly like Mulan .I took a look at the liquid eyeshadow I'm applying to his eyes.
Holy shit that not eyeshadow that lipgloss!as i was opening the bottle of foundation it spilled all over his neck.
He stirred a little but didn't wake up.
I blew out a breath and relaxed.

  I finished my amazing makeup trial with writing

**butthead**on his forehead with the eyeliner and drawing whiskers on his cheeks with the hot pink lipstick.He sure is one awfully ugly girl.Yeah, he'll kill me in the morning but its so worth it.I head upstairs to my room and crash land on the bed.I drift to sleep while one thought keeps running through my head and that is

'whose the owner of that intoxicating

 loud yelling woke me up early the other day.yupp that must be Jared and I should probably get used to sleeping with one eye open from now.what a lovely way to start my morning. I rushed into and out of the closet and the bathroom to get ready.I thought I heard  the doorbell ring a few times so I strolled downstairs to open the door.

"hi I'm David and I'm here to collect a donation for the local pool?"said the guy who obviously is lying .

we don't have a local pool!but I'll go with his lie

"Is that so? well then wait here I'll fetch my donation in no time"I said.the guy nodded his head eagerly.I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water then came back

"here you go,"I said before shutting the door .

I entered the kitchen again after making sure that the coast is clear . yup no jared with steam coming out of his ears.

though , I found some young pack members there already .I took a closer look and regretted it .God that's a kitchen, not a bed.i shall not tolerate any immature behavior from these young pups . They are way too lucky to live under this roof as they have shown improper behavior many times.

Most have their parents cruising and traveling around the world .of corse they expect their children on their best behavior and unfortunately i get to be held responsible for their actions.I dismissed them not wanting to deal with horny teenagers.

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