chapter 25 journals

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A page flew out the book and landed on the floor.Rima picked up and gazed at it with wide eyes.

She looked at me again and then looked back at what was in her hand.

"Elina, is this your mom?"


I came close by to look at the picture.There she was my mom.


the word sounded so foreign to me

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the word sounded so foreign to me.she had my eyes and gorgeous wavy hair.Her smile was so simple yet it made me look at her now with such awe.she was beautiful.

"Are there more?"I asked still keeping my eyes on the picture.

"I'm afraid not. " then she continued"She looks a lot like you by the way, except the eyes "

"I suppose-"but I never got a chance to finish my sentence.I heard a crash in the hallway.

We rushed to the source of the racket and found a wolf that I'm pretty sure isn't from our pack.
I looked back at rima who was still wearing my mom's velvety dress .Her eyes were wide with surprise.The wolf stopped and looked at her strangely.

"Elena I need you to go back to the room,"Rima said barely a whisper.

"What I'm not leaving you with this stranger"i pointed behind me to where the wolf was a minute ago . where is he?

A man came from the corner of the corridor.He was tall and good looking .A bit pale for a wolf but his paleness did work out with his piercing blue eyes.

"I'm no stranger luna, I'm her mate"he smiled.

Oh wow didn't see that coming.

"Ah okay then great to meet you...?"

"Alec Hanslope"He smirked and Rima sighed in awe.

"Well, then I should be going now have fun you two"I grinned and walked away.

Hours Later I heard the door to the room open.
I was still figuring out a lot about my history ,my parent's history to be precise.

"You're still up?"

"I couldn't stay away from the journals-speaking of which , look at this " I handed zander the picture of my mom.

He was scrunching his face once he saw it.

"Wow You look like an exact carbon copy of your mom"he sounded astonished .

He hopped onto bed making me and all the journals bounce a little.
"Rima said so the way, did you hear that she found her mate today!"

"Yeah you probably heard a crash too?"

"Yeah, that's actually how we found him"I was confused how he knew all this.

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