chapter 18:Night out

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I woke up the next morning snuggling to a pillow pretty sure I drooled on.
The sun was beaming through the window shutters and you can see the lines of light on the creamy carpet floor.I got up from bed and opened the balcony then I strolled to the bathroom.

I was brushing my teeth when I looked to the mirror.
My face looked paler than usual and my eyes were surrounded by a thin dark circles. I took some makeup and applied a foundation to conceal them imperfections. I held the eye liner close to my eyes then I thought better. keep it natural I reminded myself. I skippped the lipstick and went to a lip bam instead.As I was done making my face look a bit human and less zombie I went back to the room and got dressed.

I checked my temperature, which turned out to be normal.Guess I'm going to work!

I ran downstairs after finishing everything and entered the kitchen. Jared was standing by the oven making pancakes like a boss with an apron on.

He had this entire plate next to him with a mountain of fresh pancakes. I sneaked behind him and was about to grab a pancake.

"you know that I can hear you breathing."he commented.

"god what are you a fucking bat! you hurt my ninja ego"

"pfft you call that skills. I can lick our elbow without you noticing"he exclaimed.

"not that again"Rima groaned as she entered the kitchen.she went over to the fridge and got some orange juice out.

"so why are you guys up so early?"i asked

"we have training"jared said casually.

Rima gave him a glare.

"training? "I asked.

"um ...workouts and shit " Rima said.I looked at jared and he nodded eagerly.

"so why are you up?"she asked me curiously .

"I'm going to work"i announced with confidence.

she spit her orange juice straight at  jared's face . Jared pulled a mad dog expression.

"jeeh thanx just what I need some morning excuse me while I go change my shirt Again!"He left the kitchen after giving us his best glare .

"it's clearly his time of the month . aren't you supposed to be sick"she looked at me suspiciously.

"I'm telling you I'm fine.I got my appetite back and my temperature is back on track"

we grabbed jareds pancakes and started digging the time it was down to 2 pancakes jared came back with a pink shirt.

"what ! I had a major launry day yesterday all my clothes are gone"he explained and couldn't hide his embarrassment.

Rima and I burst out laughing. he ignored us and went to where he first left his pancakes.I knew that was my que to leave so I just sneaked out . Don't doubt my ninja skilla.I heard some shouting on my way out to the front door.

once I was out my once tensed shoulders relaxed and I started walking .The weather was getting colder and colder by the day. The rodes were pretty empty and free of cars so my walk was peaceful.

I stopped walking to tie my shoe laces when heard a sound behind me .I went over to the bushes to check it out, but it seemed to have moved a bit further. curiously, I followed the sound like a snake.

I kept going until it stopped.should I be afraid? hell yeah!should I leave now? heck no!well there's only one way to find out.

should I be afraid? hell yeah!should I leave now? heck no!well there's only one way to find out

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