chapter 16 shopping spree

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L♡ve Sick Alpha

"so how did it go?" Rima asked excitedly.

"It went well "I gave a brief answer because I was currently treating an old lady and Rima was rudely interrupting.

The Tanya had subdural hematoma. She has been visiting us everyday after her major surgery in Germany .she has always benevolent to the clinic and its patients.

"I'm feeling much better my my... grandchildren came to visit yesterday" she managed. She was also going through speech therapy too.

"that's nice of them what are their names?" I asked politely while examining her pulse.

"Wesley and Danielle, "she said .

"Is Wesley by any chance of a 5 or 6-year-old boy with the most adorable freckles ? "I asked.

" why yes he is" she looks a little surprised.

" I came across Wesley and his friend Emily at the clinic a few days ago." I explained.

"ah yes Emily , My Wesley always talks about her .Emily did this... Emily did that..."she laughed I joined her.

" so how did that date of yours go go ?"she looked at me with a grin and as soon as the word 'date 'slipped from her lips Rima flew from across the room to where we are and didn't fail to hide her excitement.

" As I said, it was good" I hate trying not to blush.

"come on young lady elaborate more.give us the juicy details ! what did you do?"

"we went to his art studio and did all the talking and he was all handsome and perfect"and that was when I told them how my entire date went and they just sat there listening and sighing with happiness like some hopeless romantics.

Rima and I decided to go out at lunch time. Actually, scratch that ,let me phrase it again -Rima decided and I went along .
Not that I had another choice.We went back home to freshen up and change into different outfits-ones that don't say

we need to run some tests on you

after changing into a white shirt that spelled 'cereal killer' and dark jeans I strolled over to the hallway. Rima was having a talk on the phone.

'Yes...... yes...... She will be safe with me. I promise. No, you don't have to. Ok if you insist. Yeah OK under the wooden box.... Ok....... Bye" she ended the call.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere "she disappeared a few minutes then came back holding a black American Express Card.

"just follow me,"she said before tugging my hand.

When we reached the mall, I immediately marched to the food court.
"no, Elina first we shop then we eat"she instructed me slowly like a kid.

"but why" I complained.
She just narrowed her eyes and dragged me away from the food court.

We entered the first store that had a huge sale and those tempting buy one and get the entire mother fucking store for free offers.

I really didn't feel like shopping , but you know what I felt like? FRENCH FRIES!!! plenty and plenty of those salty crunchy mouthwatering-

"Elina what do you think of this?"she said interrupting my foodgasm.


"how about this?"hilding yp another shirt.

"too pinky"


"too revealing"

"this green top would complement your eyes"

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