chapter 19: secrets

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And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always
hidden in the most unlikely

                               -Roald Dahl"

4 days have passed and I'm still sick.

I woke up and did my famous awkward stretch.

"hmm,"I yawned.

"I see you had a wonderful nap,"said an amused voice.with no doubt that was zander.

"what time is it?"

"2 ,i got you lunch. thought you might be hungry"said zander.

"thanx,how was your meeting,"i said while grabbing the Burger king bag and taking out the food .i passed one of the burgers to him .

"it was fine .. .a lot of hectic paperwork,though"he sighed while taking a huge bite from the burger.I looked around the room to find new bookshelves and a matt just in front of the bathroom door .

"Strange... I don't remember that ever being here?"I pointed at the new carpet placed just in front of the dressing table.

" just as I came in Rima left.I guess she had something to do with it."

I got up and opened one of the yet unpacked bags and took out a bunch of books and placed them on the new book shelf.

"wow, so all those bags i helped you carry when you moved in were actually filled with books?"

"What did you think? A cadaver?"

"Maybe ?"he shrugged with a knowing smile .

"Its none of your business knowing whether I actually kill people for a living or save them"he laughed.

"Sure doctor psychopath"I laughed at what he said.

I felt his presence next to me that warm cozy feeling.he reached to grab an ancient looking book.

" I see you read classics too"i nodded

"wuthering heights?"he read out while holding the leather covered book.

" quite a reader aren't you?"I laughed while placing more books onto the bookshelf.

"yeah I'd like to say that you too have a great taste in books"

"thanks maybe someday you can show me some of your books too, " I asked rather shyly.

"sure thing,now let me check your temperature?"he held the thermometer to my mouth.holding my face gently with his other hand.He read the number and couldn't hide his sad face.

"It still didn't change ?hasn't it?"I asked .he flinched and slipped his hand away from my face.

"you better take the medicine .now say ah"he said while grabbing a spoon filled with a red liquid.

"ahh,"i opened my mouth standing on my tip toes.

"now if you weren't sick I would have taken you on a date but I guess I can manage to bring the date to you.god that sounded so.."

"Cheesy .yes just a bit . Now, what time shall you bring the date to me ?" He grinned.

"how about today at don't have to wear anything special in fact just wear your pajamas,"he said.

hmm a date with a sex god while I'm wearing pj' can I say no.

"sounds like a plan"

"is that a yes"

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