28:resisting the attraction

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Elina's pov

"I need you to get your ass right here!NO, I know its 3 am .I'll count to 20 use you fucking wolf speed if you have to"Avalon yelled on the phone.

I wasn't sure who she was calling but I couldn't even concentrate on what she was saying .I was currently holding an oxygen mask to my face.All i could hear is the rise and fall of my chest.

The doors of the clinic opened and the person I was trying most to ignore walked in .
My heart started racing and all those last attempts to calm my breathing are now for nothing.
Is Avalon trying to kill me ?

"Elena?"I didn't even need to look at his eyes to know that he's concerned.His voice gave it all.

"Her heart was racing like a humming bird and shes a human unlike us .so i thought you can like do something before she goes into a cardiac arrest and I know how irrational and crazy mates get if their mates dies. they would blame the last person who touched their mates and in that case it would be me "avalon rambled waving her hands in the air.

Zander came in front of me and knelt down to my level.

"just focus on me, forget everything
and focus on my voice."I tried to do what he told me.

"Now look at me... Look at me.' I
looked up at him to find him examining my face,worry visible on his face.

"Everything will be fine, you'll be
alright" He reassured staring at my
eyes with my face still in his hands.

I don't know if it was the fragility of that moment or the lack of sleep that caused me to burry my face deeply into his neck. He was taken back but then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly .

"I missed you" He whispered softly in my ear.We might have stayed there for a while or so . We were the only ones in the clinic.
" lets get out of here" i whispered.
He nodded and held his hand out.
I looked at it and smiled a little then grabbed it as i stood up.

"You must be tired lets just head back to the house and rest"I didn't have the energy to argue.I can tell that neither of us got to sleep properly this entire week and a half.

"Stay here, "zander said just as he went behind a bush and shifted.
The wolf came up to me and nudged his head to his back.I must have looked confused at first then i got the idea.
"You sure you want me to ride on you"the wolf sort of nodded ,i think.
"Wait where are your clothes? "
The wolfs eyes grew wide ,but he just guided me back toward the bushes.
I went there and picked up his clothes .
"I liked that shirt"i explained.
I got up on his back and clutched on him for dear life.his fur was so soft and i couldn't help running my hands through it.
I heard him groan so i took my hands away,but then he whimpered.
He's too Damn confusing.
I felt him speed up so i held him tighter my face close to his neck.

Once he stopped I knew I could open my eyes again.I jumped off him feeling a little dizzy as i touched the ground.

"Ahh I'm never riding on you again"

He shifted right there on spot with all his naked glory and smirked.
"Oh trust me you will"i just threw clothes at him and rolled my eyes pretending not to be affected by what I had just witnessed.

We headed to his room and I threw myself on bed .I didn't even bother taking my shoes off.I just went into hibernation mode.

As explainable as it sounds it wouldn't be a surprise to tell you that i woke up the next day very late to the sound of someone typing.

"Zander ?what time is it?" I still haven't opened my eyes but i could tell by inner body clock that it was late.

"Its 4 pm"

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