chapter 12

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I carry stars in my pockets because
I knew you feared what you thought was darkness


 I woke to find soft brown hair calling for me to run my finger through and that's exactly what I did.hmmm this is the first time in days for me to have a peaceful sleep without  any nightmares that is .

I truly felt under one's wing.Zander arms held me close to him.As if I never noticed it before,I certainly did now...The warmth radiating from his body to mine which made me want to nuzzel into him forever.And where our skin made contact , shots were sent through me.I would never consider being in this position with a total stranger, yet some how Zander doesn't seem to be one at all.For someone I just met ,he sure makes me feel like we've known each other for ages. I stretched

inhaled that lovely fresh, earthly,
woodsy scent that I knew was zander.

I looked over my shoulder at him to see

he was in  deep sleep .How could someone be this hot, this early in the morning? I thought tomyself as I gazed at him. His  hairwas messy and displaced. His features soft and relaxed, mouth slightly parted.
he looked adorable to say the least. Well that's what I thought until I let my eyes continue to drink him in. His chest and rock hard abs were on display perfectly being highlighted by the soft lighting of the sun peeking through the cabin window

I let out a yelp when he pulled me even tighter into him.He made this sound at the back of his throat when I resisted him .I turned around so I could face him, and there he was awake just staring at me .

"Good morning gorgeous" he whispered in my ear.

"And goodmorning to you too ugliness"I joked.

"OMG YOUR FACE! was simply  priceless!"I laughed and i felt his chest vibrate.

"Hahha very funny Elina .Did you have a  good nap?"he glared stretching his arms.

"As a matter of fact I actually did which is  kind of weird"I started thinking.God has finally answered my prayers and peaceful night with a greek god definitely is a wonderful gift.

"And why is that idea bizzare to you?"he asked not losing eye contact.crap my new weakness!His eyes are freaken gorgeous!pfft thats not surprising.

"'s really nothing"I felt uncomfortable.I really didn't want him to hear of some crazy drama queen bitching out about some' Out Of This World Nightmares '.he might think I'm going mental which might be 50% true but-

"nightmares "he whispered coutiously cutting me from my inner conversation about how mental I really am. I looked at him in shock .

How the fudge did he know that?!am I like an open book so easily read or maybe he's a mind reader.If he is truly a mind reader then I am in deep shit cause all I have been thinking about from the moment I laid eyes on him were teeeet teeet teeet

《commercial break》

"speak you pesant !How'd you know?"I commanded pointing fingers.

"I umm guessed"he shrugged .Not convincing enough.

"sure you did "I replied sarcastically.

he is definetly hiding some nasty shit .

(Zander POV)

The rain stopped. My mate and I have been talking the entire time. She has a great sense of humor,  stunning personality, dazzling looks, and one heck of an imagination.all I could probably ask for and probably more in a mate. I know something is bothering her and I intend to fix it.

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