chapter 5

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Jared's pov

Walking up in the morning on the sofa with a bunch of kids snickering wasn't exactly how my days were suppose to what was different?
I walked through the house getting many strange looks from the pack memebers.

As I walked into my bathroom and looked at the mirror ,I understood.
What the Fuck?
Every inch of my face was completely covered by makeup.
I looked like a walking clown .
I growled in frustration  and i believe the entire pack house heard me .
There were huge letters on my forehead that spelled the word Butthead.
The only person who calls me that is ...
Zander you will pay for this.
I will definitely make him suffer ,but how?That's the real question.
If only I was Lucifer or satan himself.

I was right in front of the clinic door when I heard loud laughing.I entered to find Elina and Rima inside gossiping like old grandmas.The looks on their faces told me not to dare to ask what their conversation was about.

"hi Jared," said Elena with a wicked smile.

"hey?"i replyed.

"butthead,"said Rima .

"what?"I asked confused

"you have 'butthead' plastered on your forehead"she snickered.I soon came to the realization what she meant.

"Man !zander used a permanent marker that little son of --"I was cut by Elina's question

"who's zander?"

"he's our alpha...ouuch!"I said before Rima brought her elbow to my face.

"you mean our amazing boss,he owns and controls everything over here"explained Rima.

"control freak"i cough out.

"so you say your boss is the one who did this"elina pointed at my forehead finding it rather amusing.

"well he's kind of my best friend,but i need to take pure revenge,"i said

"well you came to the perfect person,"said Elina with an evil grin.

I think I like where this is going...

"ok so this is his room, " i said quietly as we snuck into Zander's room.I still have no idea what Elina is up to but i can tell it's going to be epic.Elina grabbed her tools and heads to the bathroom.when she came out she explained what she did

"i put ketchup packets on the little balls that are under the seat of the toilet. when he sits down, the ketchup will splatter onto his boxers and legs,and i also put some glue on the tissue paper so when he tried to wipe the ketchup of it will stick.oh, and do you know his favorite food?"she asked while pouring some flour on his pillow.Rima and I look at her with our jaws dropping.We have captured Lucifer from the pits of hell.Who knew she was this mischievous.

"umm, pizza and ice cream"i answered .Rima looks at me questionably."what!Evey guy likes pizza and ice cream" I defend.

"well then let's order pizza and get some ice cream,"said elina with the same evil grin.

after we got both pizza and ice cream we placed it in front of the head genius .It kind of felt like a mini surgery taking place.

"gloves,"she asked and rima gave it to her.

"small hypodermic needle"

. "syringe".

"Habanero pepper extract".

"hot sauce"

"ice cream"


"chocolate chip cookie"she took a bite out if it and continued with the operation.she Injected the extractor sauce into ice cream,pizza.

oh now it makes sense !haha i should definitely video tape his reaction.

"where did you learn all of this,"i asked with an amused grin.

"being trapped the entire summer in a class with failing medical school students allows the brain to conduct all the tricks in the book...and Home alone movies do help"

"wait you failed?"i ask not remembering anything about failing when I had interviewed her.

"no way i was trying to finish early"i defended but that got them to laugh and mumble "nerd"

"ok now zander will be scared to eat anything in the house for weeks, including snagging your food for a quick bite."said rima with a laugh which we all joined her.


Zander's pov

I just finished all my meetings and was heading to the packed house.Before dad died he made me promise that I would protect this pack and put them FIRST before anything even my life which I am happy to do .

The pack finance is doing better than ever .I worked really hard after dad's death to ensure everything is available for the pack members and to live up to my promises.That's why our pack The Mocking wolf pack has a very high rank compared to the rest of the states.

I arrived at the pack house and directly entered the kitchen.

Thank god!no PDA only normal people eating normal food.

I scan the room again and there i find the love of my life alone on the table the ...PIZZA calling me to take a bite .

well, then pizza don't fear Zander's right here.I grabbed the pizza and take a big bite.

hmm, a bit chilly Ummm my taste buds were too busy registering the taste while i felt something burning my lips.

"houut hoahhaohtt"i said it with my tongue out.
It felt like the steam was coming out of my nose and ears like in Tom and Jerry.

I started running around the kitchen counter with my tongue out looking for water.

I KNOW! icecream!

i directly ran toward the freezer and found the ice cream bucket where i ducked my head in.I started licking the ice cream only to find it super hot.

WHAT THE HELL!I had no choice but to go to the swimming pool.why you might ask?
how would i know the rest of the food and water isn't the same.I ran to the pool and accidently slipped .SPLASH!there goes my Armani suits.I step out of the swimming pool while cursing.

I reached the to the top floor when the same addicting scent hit my nostril.It leads me to my bedroom wait for the same person i5 was dying to find wAS IN MY BEDROOM!

"ok time to find out who" i said while opening the door,but there wasn't a single soul here.I think I'm hallucinating i mean who would dare enter my room without permission.

"it's not only your room go check the bathroom "my wolf informed.i did as he informed and he was right there were traces of that scent.I closed the bathroom door to take a hot shower.this day can't possibly get any worse i told myself .as soon i sat on the toilet a red sticky substance splashed all over me .the the only person i could think of now was JARED.karma is a bitch ...

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for u who don't follow me on Instagram ill describe the pack sign and for u who do I'm still working on it(so I'll be posting it soon)

its like the Mockingjay (from the Hunger games)but with a wolf inside and umm you know the dangling things out of a dream catcher yeah its kind of the same in the sign so basically its a combination of a dream catcher and a Mockingjay :)


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