24:memory lane

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Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there any more.

Robin Hobb, Fool's Fate (Tawny Man, #3)

2 months later

"Hey zander Wake up " i nudged him.


"Remember when you insisted that the pack needs more ...umm i don't know -training. Well they are waiting for you downstairs"

"Shit shit shit"he jumped out of bed .

"Me and you will have a training session later in the afternoon so prepare" he managed while slipping on his shoes.

"Sure thing"he kissed me goodbye and ran out.

I opened the balcony to let some air in. I decided to take a relaxing bath with all the shouting going on downstairs.

After preparing the bubble bath is slipped out of the robe and got in .

My face was just above the surface .The hot water kept streaming out making vapor rise .The bathroom windows were open allowing a light breeze to drift in and out.

My lavender candles were lit and the flames were dancing with the breeze. I closed my eyes and rested by head against the edge of the tub.

When I opened my eyes later the lights were off.The candle flame was gone.

I looked around startled and saw a figure leaping out the window.

I screamed.

Moments later the bathroom door flew open and zander walked in seconds later .he came over to where I was with his eyes wide with alert.

"Whats wrong ?Why are the lights off?"

I stared at the window and pointed towards it .He ran to the window and looked out it and sniffed.he then looked back at me cautiously and stepped away from the window.When he opened the light switch , we were both left in utter shock.

I got out of the bathtub quickly and wrapped a towel around me tightly.My body was shaking from both the coldness and fear.2 months and everything was calm .I thought they left us and won't come back.God was i wrong.

The bathtub was streaming in a dark red liquid , blood, and the bathtub itself was filled with petals, unlike any petals I've seen before .They were fresh black rose petals .

"Go back to the room" zander ordered.


"Now!"he snapped.I ran outside the bathroom my body dripping blood and i was shaking unable to bring myself to composure. I couldn't even look at my hands . I closed my eyes and tried my best to stay calm .

I clearly needed to take another shower .I ran over to zanders bathrooms and stood under the shower.I made sure the windows were closed this time .I rubbed my skin raw removing every inch of blood on my body. This was no time to breakdown. I have to stay strong and figure out who is planning all these intrusions .

I heard footsteps and I could help but catch my breath.

"Relax it's me"zanders voice echoed from outside the bathroom.

I closed the water to hear what he had to say.

"my men spotted the rogue and captured him.it might take long to get anything out of him, but as for now I want you to stay home.it's not safe"

"Oh" was all I managed out.could this rogue be responsible for all the attacks or is he just a puppet to someone else.

"There's a storm coming in so keep the windows closed"

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