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When he shall die,

Take him and cut him out in little stars,

And he will make the face of heaven so fine

That all the world will be in love with night

And pay no worship to the garish sun.

William Shakespeare,

I  wore my black dress  and brushed my hair .Trying to stop the tears from staining my cheeks.I took a deep breath and headed downstairs. Assuring Zander that I'll be the one getting Rima .

I softly knocked on her old bedroom door .She stayed here for a while after hearing the tragic news .Her mate would come every day and sit by the door for hours.
She didn't let anyone in.

I heard the door creak open just as she appeared in my vision all dressed in black .

She must have lost 2 kilos at least.
She seemed sick with her hollow eyes and unrecognisable face.

She looked at me and nodded signaling that we should move.
I hugged her tightly and felt her shudder, as a sob escaped from her mouth.
"I miss her ,Elina"she cried
"Me too"

We were at the funeral.
The entire pack was gathered here.
The lady who felt like a mother to me.I bet she did to all of them.People around me are sobbing choking the air in grief.
It was a tradition to bury pack members in a wide clearing miles away from the pack house.

The tombstone read:

Jane Rosewood
March 3, 1961-  November 8, 2015
Loving mother , wife, and  doctor .

Rima stood there with her father in front of her mother's grave.They had the same painful  expression on their face.
It was a tragic sight to witness.

The sky was getting darker and the wind blew with no mercy.I shivered and my sleeveless black  dress wasn't exactly much of a help .

I felt an arm snake its way around me .I knew it was zander in a heartbeat. I didn't look up to him until later.

I saw him gritting his teeth.He had his head held up high but I can tell he is affected as much as anyone else for the death of Mrs.rosewood.

His hand that rested  inches below my  shoulders kept clenching with his fingernails digging into his skin leaving visible marks.

I held his hand softly and started tracing circular patterns making him stop hurting himself.
I felt his eyes on me but I didn't stop.This was a distraction that seemed to calm the both of us.

After the funeral, we were all deep in our own thoughts.I headed to the one place that I can feel closure in.

The door dinged signaling that someone is in the clinic I took a deep breath and removed the trail of tears staining my cheeks.

"Umm is now a good time?"the guy asked as he winced in pain.

"Yeah go on what's wrong?"I assured him scanning him for an injury.He must have understood as he lifted his shirt and exposed the wounds on his back that had twigs and glass.

"This might sting a little"I warned as I pulled out a large piece of glass.

"Tough day eh?"

"You can say that"I focused  on removing the glass.

"She was a good person"he sighed sadly.
Ever since we heard the news of the car accident ,we just couldn't believe it.Images of her husband  and Rima drifted through my mind .The grief everyone felt for the loss of such an incredible person.

I looked at his wound and felt an urge to use my power.There was no one here except me and him and besides he's not facing me.
I put my hand over his wound and felt the power seeping through my fingers as the wound began to close up.

"All done" I announced as I got up ignoring the dizziness I got from getting up so fast.

Hours later zander came in .
"How are you holding up? "He asked

"It's been hard but I'll manage  " he nodded his head knowingly.I guess he understood that working here would be best for me right now.something to distract me and get me busy .

We made small talk avoiding anything that had to do with the funeral or Mr's rosewood in general . It was easier that way.
we were all still slowly processing the information. each of us in their own way.

"Rima,I'm worried please open up"
I heard alecs voice as I was going upstairs and my face softened at the sight of him sitting his back to the door.He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

I knew better than to interfere now .I had to wait for a little for her to make logic out of all this .I knew this because a few years ago I was her  Except there was no one there for me .

My college roommate felt something was off but I made sure to take all my emotional pain out of the dorm.
I use to sit in the park for hours under my tree .the tree that I wept by for hours at night when my only family died.

I shook my thoughts and entered my room shutting the door carefully behind me .

"Elina?" I heard zanders voice.

"Hey,"I said trying shrug of my white coat.
"Here let me help you with that"
he helped me slip out of it ,but his hands lingered on my skin.
My heart began to pick up speed as he moved his hands to my neck stroking my wet cheeks with his thumbs.
His breath was what I felt seconds before his lips came to touch mines.so gentle and soft that I felt like I'm flying.He pulled back and looked into my eyes deeply for any hesitation.
I need this .

he began kissing me again, and I followed his lead.He was everywhere over my arms and up my back then suddenly I'm  kissing him harder, deeper, with an urgent need I've never known before . He dropped his hands to my back and gripped me tightly around my waist, securing me in his arms with a gentle squeeze.
I ran my hands down his back and pulled him even closer.

Feeling all my emotions surging through me .All the anxiety,anger, and the pain were poured out of me ,out of us.He hoisted me up and hooked my legs around his waist all the while trying to keep up with his hungry kiss. He stumbles forward, and I soon feel a soft surface underneath me.

At that moment we were just  two people escaping pain by looking into one another with all the emotions that ran through us.

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