chapter 6

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"please come ! it'll be so fun i promise"rima begged over the phone.
"I don't know.i have a lot of paperwork to finish at the clinic"i groaned.
i heard some shuffling from the other end of the line and some noise going on.
"rima,you there?"
"look i just talked to mom and she said to come to the carnival . we can manage the paperwork later"she squealed .i laughed at her excitement .
"fine I'm you need anything ?i can bake"i suggested.
"yeah, that would raise more money.i'll send you the directions to the charity carnival "
"Great.i better start working on the cupcakes .bye!"

i swung by the grocery store to get the ingredients and when i got back to the apartment i directly started cracking the eggs and working my way through the recipe.

i got a book and sat down on the kitchen floor after placing the trays in the oven .I probably looked like a freak having the flour over my apron and hair,but i decided to take a shower once i clean the mess in the kitchen.
I made a dozen of everything: red velvet,chocolate,Vanilla,Oreo,peanut butter,banana,Lemon,Carrots,and finally, blueberry.
let's just say I've been sitting like a freak in front of the oven the entire day. I even designed The banana cupcakes like the despicable me minions.i knew i was going to be late so I took a quick shower and threw on a white top and shorts .i grabbed my blue flannel in case i got cold .

I was close to the destination according to my GPS.
i was dialing rimas number when the phone fell .
"hello?"i heard her voice
"wait!"i yelled so she can hear me.
i got down to get the phone and when i was about to come up i heard a loud crash .
"you got to be kidding me"i sighed and looked over at the car in front of me"
"what happened are you okay?"worry was lacing her voice.
"i crashed the car.i'll call you later"i hung up and let my head hit the steering wheel several times.

i heard a knock at my window .A guy was standing with a smirk.
i let my window down and hoped for the best .
"show me your drivers license "
"pardon me ?"i asked
he looked at my confused face and got a badge out.
"oh, so your an undercover cop"realization hit me
great Elina you had to crash the cops car.
"am i in trouble?"i asked scared.i have not once been stopped by a cop.
"actually, i was joking with you . that's my twin brother.hes a cop.your face though"he laughed .
i blew out a breath
"oh ma lord thank god!look ill pay for the damages. here's my number"i got my pen and he rolled up his sleeve .i directly scribbled my number on his hand.he was amused by my discomfort i could tell.
"and how would i know if that's really your number?"he was being annoying now.
"well how about you call me now"i crossed my hands over my chest .
he dialed the number and my phone started buzzing with the awkward ringtone.he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"well now that you have your proof .ill leave"i held the door handle.
"I didn't get your name ?"he asked.

"elina Lockwood"

"David Hilkins,"he said .
i gave him a polite nod.
"you know what i don't want you to pay"he announces
my head jerks in his direction.
"no you can't do that i won't accept . i want to take responsibility for the damage I've done.i have to pay you back"i insisted.i looked over at his car it wasn't that big of a crash but i still needed to pay him.
"how about you pay me back in another way?"he smirked
i looked at him in confusion that turned into horror.
"no, not that way!gosh, you must think I'm a jerk.i meant that you go out on a date with me"he explained.
"wouldn't this be easier if i paid you?"i groaned
"i am not accepting money"he insisted.
i sighed.
"okay!look whatever you me.i really have to go now.I'm sorry for that"i pointed at the dent in his car.
"see you soon"he winked and i waved goodbye.

i parked my car in front of the jumping castles and carried my cupcakes carefully across the field.
"Tickets please"a teenage boy stopped me in track

"I'm selling those cupcakes"i pointed at the mount capricious in my hands.

"Sorry but you should have a passcard . Say what,I'll let you in but you give me one of those"he grinned.
i groaned in annoyance and pulled out a messed up cupcake.
"here you go"i forced a smile
"was that too hard?"
"asshole" i muttered under my breath.
he gave me a pissed look as though he heard what i said.
i decided to hurry up before he changes his mind.

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