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I see his smile.His hair.
I can smell his cologne.
I hold on to this memory.It keeps me sane.Its the only reason i can smile in such a dark place.
Every laugh, smile, conversation, and every moment with him was now roaming my mind spiking emotions I never thought I'd be having.
The only reason i resist .
The reason i don't give up.
I won't let them hear me cry .
I won't give them the satisfaction.

"Zander"I whisper his name.

"Zander, " I say again with more emotion.

I repeat the name till i feel a sudden unfamiliar glow in the cell.
My necklace.

It lit up again making my once dark chamber fill with light.
"Zander"a gasp escaped my lips.

'Elina's heard a voice in my head.
I must be hallucinating but I dared to day his name again
"Zander its me "
"Elina"I heard him say in such raw emotions.
This is my opportunity
"He forced sorry I made you think I'm leaving "
"I know . i saw your letter"my heart stopped .he did figure my clues.
"and if someone must be sorry it's me .I will find you Elina "

"Zander look i dont know how long i have but you must know that simon is behind all this .his actual name is Troy.I don't know where this place is i havent gone outside ."
"Elina have they done anything to you?" I can see how scared he is .
"No, they didn't"i lied.
I hear foot steps coming and my heart races.
"I love you,didnt" i say quickly breaking all the connection before i hear his reply .

I sigh in relief when the necklace stopped glowing.
I hear a couple more noises before the door opens again.

I close my eyes and numb myself from my surrounding.


2 days went by .
They starved me .
They hit me.
They locked me

I broke all connection with zander .I needed to save my energy to heal myself didn't heal the wounds on my face since they would suspect something .I only did heal the ones that were urgent to heal.

I heard shouting and barking coming from outside my cell.
I heard familiar boots stumbling my way.
"Well arent you the Fiesty type."snarled Troy . He knew i wasn't going to answer him.I refrained from speaking to anyone for days.

"I hate to break it to you princess but I'm a man with very little patience and soon I have to get a little rough."his eyes advanced my way and I feel claustrophobic.
Get the fuck away from me
Get the fuck away from me
I keep chantting in my head with every step he takes.
His nose brushes the scruff of my neck and I stifle a horrified shiver that he misunderstands. his large hand gripped the back of my neck and his other tugged my left thigh , allowing him to tower me easily.
I close my eyes feeling disgusted by his touch.
My anger is surfacing .
I'm fuming.

I open my eyes and feel him backing away.
"Your powers" he looked at me with wonder.

I hear screaming from far away ,but I'm too focused on taking my revenge .
I advance towards him .fire in my eyes.
"Funny how the tables have turned"i mock.
"Oh honey, you just got your powers you barely know how to control them." He rolled his eyes underestimating me.

"Really now"i sad through gritted teeth.
power was surging through me as i felt a flame forming at the tips of my finger.
I didnt miss to see the shock touch his face as a ball of fire formed in my hands.

I heard the door to the cell open and soon I was surrounded by the same four men who abused me.
I could take them all .
I can hurt them like they hurt me.
I saw one of them whisper something to Troy that got his eyes to widen just before he hurried out of the room .

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