44:before the last

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Zanders Pov

"How is she?" I asked.

It's been 2 hours ever since we admitted her into the clinic. Rima and doctor Shaun were at the door just as we pulled in.
They both had a look of shock when they saw her.

My heart broke when I saw her on the floor for the first time in what felt like forever. She was paler and thinner and her cheeks were hollow.

I changed her bandage like she told me too. I was angry. Mostly Angry at myself.

Ever since she disappeared I had been so confused the first days. I didn't see through her words directly and when I did , I couldn't find her in time.

I felt useless knowing that she's somewhere out there alone and probably scared.
I never allowed myself to think that something bad has happened to her or that she's suffering. I convinced myself that she isn't getting hurt.
I just couldn't imagine it.

Now I'm just trying my best to control anger. I hate myself more and more by the minute.
How did I allow the most valuable thing in my life to get hurt?

"son" I felt someone's arm on my shoulder. I looked behind me to find Elina's father.
"You look a little tense"

I didn't answer him at first.

"You should probably get some medical attention too" I said.
I wasn't going to be an asshole I knew he cared for her too.

"I will if you come with me and get your arm checked"
I looked at him then at my arm and noticed my sleeve bleeding.
I nodded slowly and followed him.

"So you're her mate"

it wasn't a question as it was a statement. I just nodded while one of the pack members wrapped a bandage around my upper arm.
"She will be alright you know "his voice softened suddenly that made me look at him.

"She's been through a lot, " I told him.
He shut his eyes and looked away as though my words cut him like knives.

His eyes told me he didn't know a lot.
I sighed and began telling him. As much as it pains me to repeat what Elina's been through  he still deserves to know what happened to his daughter.

He was silent but I can tell by the way his knuckles turned white that he was holding his emotions in.
"The nightmares "he laughed in sadness.

"It's part of the transitioning. No one explained it to her."I saw his eyes becoming glazed by tears.

"They captured me years ago. If I knew -"a cry left his lips.
"If I knew that she was alone "
The man that stood in front of me minutes ago was now completely shattered.

"Oh god. She probably hates me"

At that, I couldn't keep it any longer.I spoke exactly what I thought my mate would say.
"It's not your fault." This made him look at me.

"You know what Elina asked me to do when I first found her on the floor in that sick place? "I said through gritted teeth

He shook his head.
"She asked me to leave her there and go find her father, "I said just before I left.

I saw Rima walking towards me.
"How is she?" I got up.
"She will hopefully wake up within the next few hours "she squirmed uncomfortably.
"Zander whatever happened to her there" she paused
"might change her for the next few days, "she spoke quietly.

I nodded not knowing what to do.

Whatever happened to her
Whatever happened to her...

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