chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up with a sweaty body clinging to the bed sheets.Droplets were already sliding down my face and my hair was sticking to my forehead. having a numb head wasn't exactly helping either. I tried several attempts to get out of bed but failed miserably. Not because of the illness I'm dealing with but because I myself am lazy. I was breathing heavily tired of my failed attempts When I heard the door open.

"Good morning Elina--are you okay ?"he cut his morning greeting probably after seeing me look like some kind of marathon runner.

"I'm fine it's just a little hot in here" i fan myself with my hands.I try to stand up but only manage to stumble a few steps backward.

Zander came right behind me supporting my weight.

"whoa, Where are you going?"He frowns

"To work I'm gonna be late "I try to push him out of my way but it seems like a waste of energy.

"Under my dead body. You're sick I can feel your heat radiating all the way from here. You can't leave this room until I see a little progress in your health" he stated.

"what?"he can't do that.

last time i checked i was the doctor over here he can't possibly just tell me what to do and what does he mean 'I can feel your heat ..' is he like some kind of superman thermometer.

"Mrs. Rosewood is on her way right now" he informed me .wait how is she coming?I didn't see him picked up any phone or call anyone.i went to my dresser and grabbed an elastic band and quickly pulling my hair into a messy bun.I busted the balcony doors open for fresh air . Some familiar people were jogging into the woods .I looked back at zander who was now a few inches behind me.

He looked cautiously at me like I'm about to fall.My gaze lingered at him for a bit before returning back to the wood's view were the people have disappeared. There was this loud sound then a group of birds fled away from the same area.I could see movements just below the tree.All I could make up from these fast moving figures is that they must be some kind of ....mountain lions.

"My god Poor little thing "Mrs.rosewood announced after pulling the thermometer from my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Zander asked his voice waddled with concern.

"I'm afraid you were right she is sick. she's having a high fever "

I was looking into midair and thinking a different topic while both of them were discussing Me .

ha, it feels strange being in the patient's shoes. I'm feeling a bit depressed. Yup, that's it I guess I'm pmsing.

I should travel once i get a vacation .Maybe Hawaii or Fuji.tropical islands definitely with coconut trees and sandy -

"Elina Elina ?"zander was waving both his hand trying to get my attention.

" hmm,what did you say?" I snapped out of my train of thoughts.i seem to do a lot of that nowadays.

"You heard Mrs.Rosewood. you are not leaving this room until you get better"

"But but "I tried.

"Doctor orders love"he smirked .

"doctor orders my ass "I mumbled in a low voice.I heard Mrs.Rosewood chuckle. I was going to stand and head to the washroom but dizziness got the best of me.

" Here let me help you "he offered, however, I wasn't expecting him to actually carry me to the bathroom in his arms.he set me down next to the sink ,got a wet towel and held it near my forehead .I was shocked he is doing all these nice gestures . he smiled once he saw my both confused and thinking face.That warm smile that made my heart sound like a hummingbird .i bet the entire room can practically hear my heart beat .

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