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"Why wont you pick up?" I stared at my phone in frustration.I hadnt seen my brother since yesterday and I'm starting to worry.I went around the mansion and checked every room finding no luck.

When I came back to my room I heard the door shut behind me .
A hand came around my mouth stopping me from screaming.I bit hard on whoevers hand that was and kicked him.
I heard a grunt but soon he pushed me making me stumble to the ground.
I bit a scream when my head hit the corner of the bed.
I looked up to see my attacker.
"Noah,I"I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
"You listen to me carefully "his hands grabbed me from my neck and held me a coupleof inches above the ground.i was struggling to breath
"Or your brother gets hurt"
When he mentioned my brother i went numb against his hold.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on him!"
" I wont if you cooperate.Now listen" he set me down and I breathed hard touching my neck where I'm sure his hands left marks.
"You will leave with me right now but before that you have to right a letter to zander so he doesnt suspect anything"
Did he really give me a chance to write to zander
"Oh, not that quick I'll read what you wrote so dont attempt anything or your brother gets tortured. "He spat.
I gave him a hard look just before I went over and grabbed a paper and pen.
"Make it sound like you don't want to stay here and that your traveling"
I looked at him at disbelief and rolled my eyes.
"Look here princess im so close to snapping your neck but I know how much guilty you will feel if i do the same to your brother .so start writing and dont you dare disobey "I gulp and nodd.

As I was writing I came up with an idea .
I had to use another paper which earned me a hard slap .
"Hurry up"he yelled angerly. I was almost done .I hope this works.
He glances at the letter tucked in my hand.I scanned over the words carefully making sure my clue made sense but was well hidden.A moment later the paper was snatched from my hand as Noah read it.
"That will do"he nodded approvingly leaving the letter on the bed.
I went to my closet and pulled my coat.
"And what do you think you're doing? "He towered me.
"Its chilly"I lied.
He looked at me suspiciously then nodded.
"Don't try to act smart .unless you want your brothers life to end"he warned.
I gulped and put on my coat quickly.
He gave me a look telling me to follow him quitely.
I sighed in relief when my hands came in contact with some reciets and change in my pocket.
"Don't you think they will question why I left?" I asked him once we left the mansion .
"Oh that's why your last phone call will come in handy" he gleamed at me.
Before we got into his car which was parked further away from the mansion just so no one sees us ,I dropped a receipt and a hair tie.

As we drove I was mentally scolding myself for making my only rescue plan very hard for anyone to figure out.How the hell would they understand to decode my letter .I held on to that last shred of hope that one of them would .

After what must have been a 2-hour drive we stopped at a gas station
"Stay here" he instructed locking the car .
I saw him walk to a store and disappear.
I almost jumped from joy when I saw that there was a tiny opening of the window just enough to fit a receipt or a coin .
I moved quickly and shoved a receipt down the window.I sighed out of relief when it fell to the ground.
"What do you think you're doing?" A man said.
"Ah"I didn't really know how to respond.
He grabbed the reciet looking for something and when he didnt he turned to me and asked
"Why did you throw it out"
What his problem.why the hell did he want to know.This dude is going to get me in trouble if Noah comes hes going to think I'm calling for help.
I ignored him and prayed silently that he might leave just before Noah comes.
"Well, arent you Fiesty ?"
I'm now visualizing a duct tape right on his mouth.
I saw Noah coming out of the store and heading towards me.
Shit shit shit

"Go away or he'll kill you"I pretended to cough.
"What ?that old man" the guy seemed amused.
Great just great.I try to save his life and this is how he responds .

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