42:inflicting pain

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I hear foot steps coming my way.i dont dare open my eyes . All of a sudden someone kicks me in the stomach.

I hiss in pain clutching my stomach.

The kicking continues and i struggle to get up i see several bulky men towering me.
"Stop" i hear authority in the guys voice.
I sigh in relief when the kicking stops.
"My men dont know how to treat a lady"he laughs and offers me his hand
Which i decline and get up on my own.
He seems to dislike what i did , but that doesnt stop him from dragging me out of the cell.

"Its time to meet your father"
He opens a few doors that were locked with high security.
"Here we are .Consider it a late welcoming gift"he grins and all i want to do slap that grin of his face.

I walk into the room and feel emotions building in me.

"Dad" I spoke. it was strange that the man from the photos was here in front of me.his Blue eyes meet mine in utter shock.
My heart squeezed.
"No! They got you too"realization hit his eye as he started shaking making his chains to make some noises .
"Its okay .im okay"i lie.
I saw my reflection as i walked here and i couldn't really recognize myself.
I was covered in bruises .
My dad looked at me and i saw it .I saw the guilt .
"I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry"he cried.
I came over to him and hugged him.
"We're going to get out of here"i whisper at a very low tone but i know he heard me.

"Im sorry you had to meet me this way .I have alot to explain but no matter what you do dont allow them to train you.they must not know what yor capable of"his tone was dead serious.

"Dad .I'm weak.i don't have real powers" i sighed.

"You will trust me"

"I hate to break the family reunion but i have some important things to discuss with elina." Troy marched in and dragged me forcefully away from my dad.
I saw a last glimpse of my dad just before i was thrwon back to my cell.

.I saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was Troys figure slowly approaching me. His eyes are trained on me, his lips twitching with suppressed amusement.
"Its a shame really . You're a smart girl .I expect you to know how things work around her."

"I don't know what got you to think that I have powers .You delusional "i spat

"Oh is that true.You had quite a magical Luna ceremony that has nothing to do with your powers"he raised an eyebrow at me.
I turned my face away from him.
"I'll take that as a yes"he dared to step closer and trail his finger down my chin.
Hep takes a short breath. Licks his lips
Then says
"I have a proposal "
I listen carefully .
"I will allow you to see your father an hour each day but you have to train "
He didnt wait for my answer .
He just got up and moved gracefully out of the cell.

I sat there the entire night in the same spot trying to decide.
If i take the offer i get to see my dad and train .
If i dont i get beat up all morning and go back to my cell at night.
He made sure that i get beat up bad today so i would instantly take his offer.
I lifted my shirt and winced when i touched what must have been a bad bruise. It was hard to tell with no light at all.
I didn't have a lot of power in me but if i didn't heal those wounds I'll end up catching an infection .
I started tracing different areas of my skin cursing every time I touched a bruise.
I felt weaker by the minute as I concentrated on healing the wounds.
I pushed myself harder. I'm swallowing nothing but the strangled gasps.
I find myself being comforted for the first time by the cold and darkness of the cell.
I let my head rest lightly on the floor and hugged my knees in fetus position.
My eye lids were getting heavier and i saw no point in keeping them open any longer.

I woke up to someone stroking my hair.
I came to my senses and backed away quickly .
"Well, good morning to you too."
"Are you ready for today's training?"
"I didn't agree to your proposal, "I said in anger.

He looked genuinely disappointed. His hands are clasped together in dismay.
"Sad,You leave me no choice."
I fear what comes next as i hear him shouting orders and soon 4 men enter .I crawl to the rooms corner and hold on to this momemt just before things went wild ,before those men dragged me out of the room .Before i recieved brutal beating in every inch of my body .

I tried my hardest to stop the tears from streaming down my face,to be strong ,to resist. My hands dug into the wooden chair they chained me too.I bit my screams preventing them from escaping but my pain tolerance was wearing off .I dont know how long i can go like this .

I woke up in the cell .My body ached.
I didnt know what day it was or when they will come back again .
I heard the door open so I shut my eyes in fear,but minutes passed by and no one came in.
I moved carefully and peaked outside.
I heard footsteps and soon someone grabbed my arm.I jumped in surprise .
"Sheesh arent you jumpy today . its me Celia remember "she said in low tone.

"What happened to your face" i can tell by the surprise in her voice that it's pretty bad.
I didn't talk and I think she understood.
She tugged on my shirt and guided me to the shower stall.
I took off my clothes and cried silently as the water hit my wounds.
For the first time, I allowed the salthy tears sto stream down my face.
I cant do this .
I cant stay here any longer .
I felt anger surge through me.

All of a sudden my necklace lit up and lavitated inches in front of my face.
I looked at it in shock.

I touched it and felt a wave of power shoot out of it .I had to take a step back .
I was breathing heavily .
My blood is surging through my veins, rushing through my body like a water coming from a damn.
I felt alive .
I dont know why but i just snapped my fingers out of instict and all of a sudden a light illuminated from my bare fingers.
I looked at it in bewilderment.
I cant tell anyone.

That night Troy visited me asking if i changed my mind .I didnt reply giving him my clear answer. I wasnt willing to cooperate.
"You know your making this harder on yourself"his voice was suspeciously soft.
" i want to see my father"I spoke .
"Will you train?"he looked at me.
"That's not the deal"he was angry .
I didn't reply i just looked at the space in the corner.
"Elina "He closes the last few inches between us and I can no longer breathe.
" i can do much more "
I try to control my trembling limbs.
He wouldn't.would he?
I start to back away only to feel his hand grab my waist and steady me. He cups my face in his hands making my blood pressure and anger surface.
I had to calm down. He cant find out about my powers.
"I bet that mate of yours has already forgot about you. besides he thinks you hate him " he trailed his face down my neck.
He hates me.
The words hit me hard.
Was he even looking for me?
Did he figure out my clue?

"Get off me"my voice comes out hoarse.
"I'm not done"he continued touching me .
I feel disgusted.
I cant help but slap him .
The slap echoed around the room .He touches his face and smiles at me before slamming his fist against my chest, with the a strong force.

"I will break you, Elina Lockwood."
I heard just before his fist came in contact with my cheek.

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