chapter 20:party planning

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Who said planning parties was easy?The concept of arranging and organizing the seating list took out most of my energy and not to mention most of my time.

How am I supposed to be a Luna when I can't make simple stuff like these .Days passed like clouds on windy days yet I still felt like I haven't accomplished much.zander and I were inseparable .although we spent the mornings working apart ,we would swing by every now and then .The night were for us and honestly they were the exciting part of each day.

' I'm the hostess of the party I'm the hostess of this party...'I keep reminding myself hoping to find some motivation between those line.

"I can do this"i said to myself quietly.

"You can do what?"zander emerged into the hall looking as dashing as always.

"Do all this !"I pointed out at the place wildly, which was a big party hall by the way.There was a double staircase on the opposite side of the wall .Evey inch of the wall was filled with glassed windows .The wooden floor was polished to an extant that you can see your own reflection. The rich velvety colored curtains hung down in a waterfall .Fancy chandeliers were hung up high from the ceiling. The breathtaking roof was entirely covered by golden designs and crystals that made the ceiling look like a masterpiece.

 The breathtaking roof was entirely covered by golden designs and crystals that made the ceiling look like a masterpiece

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"It's not a big deal .Here I can help you with the guest list"

"How many are there " I asked

"560 minimum"he said unchalantly.he makes it sound so casual.
I bet my jaw dropped to the floor.I headed outdoor and started pacing .

He saw my shoulder tense and frowned.he did this speed thing to come right behind me and put his hands over my shoulder .I felt him whisper

"I don't want you to get all worked up.I told you just leave it to the party planner"his hands massaged my shoulder until I felt myself relax.

"It's not that I just want it all to be up to expectation.i want your -our pack to be impressed " zander stopped and smiled.

"What?"I asked he was smiling all weirdly at me.

"You said our pack"he said it with a bigger smile now his dimples were getting deeper and deeper like there was some kind of anchor holding them in.

"I guess there's no point in denying the truth since I've seen it all with my eyes."I'm not trying to blame him on throwing all this on me especially after he just told me about the wolf news but i can't help feeling that this entire situation is overwhelming.

"Yeah sorry about that" the anchor was pulled up and his dimples disappeared .he shifted uncomfortably

I came closer to him
"But Im glad you did tell me, though .It did explained a whole lot "I laughed.

"You'll be a great luna"he gently touched my face with his hands.

"You really think so?"My eyes widened in disbelief.

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