36:run into your arms

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"Shit shit shit!"i shot up from my seat

" what could have got you worried all of a sudden?"he asked noticing me pacing around the room.

"What time is it?"i asked nervously.

"5 pm"he answered confirming my suspicions.

"Holy fu-'"

"Language!" My grandma yelled from the kitchen .

"Hand me your phone now Jack" i commanded him.
"Give me a minute"he inspected his phone and clicked a few things then blew out his breath.
"You totally deleted your history "i smirked knowingly.
"Did not!" He got a little redder.

"Sure,Im" i said as i grabbed the phone from his hand to make a phone call.

Crap i don't know zanders local number .

"Okay forget that i need to leave now" i grabbed my bag and hurried .
"Where to?"my grandma asked .

I'm coming to visit you tomorrow grandma but i really need to go now"

"Jack drive your sister " grandma said sternly.

"Jackson lockwood! "
Shit i can just tell by the way she was calling him by his full name just how serious she is .He and I gulped and nodded.

We drove for a while since I only knew the way from the market to the villa .
"Okay do you remember this street?" He asked.I looked around and noticed a fimiliar looking shop.
"Yeah go left from here then go straight"

"Yes here !" I blew out a breath of relief once I was in front the villa .

"Nice place"he commented.
"You want to come in?"
"How about tomorrow ?grandma is expecting me back early "

"Okay suit yourself see you tomorrow jacky" i ruffled his hair then left the car. I heard him groan just before I walked away and rang the bell.

The door swung open and zander came into view .He pulled me tightly and put his face in the crook of my neck
"oh thank god"

"I'm sorry i got carried away"

I heard footsteps just before Rima and Alec came into view .
"I told you i heard a car pull into the driveway "said Rima.

"Whos that?"Alec asked pointing at the car that was now driving away.

"How about we go inside and I'll explain "I answered him feeling zanders gaze on me the entire time.
I gave him a reassuring smile just as we headed inside.

"Wow,"Rima let out after moments of silence. I seem to be put in the same situation multiple times in one day.
I explained what happend from the moment i was walking in the street market to the momemt i was brought to my grandma's house.

"So that was your brother?"those were the first words coming from zander.I rolled my eyes then nodded.

"I'm actually very hungry .so if you want to hear the rest of the details follow me"
I walked to the kitchen and decide on making a grilled cheese sandwich.

"Why did they keep this away from you?"Rima asked softly.she knew this must be a sensitive topic.

"I dont know.They told me it was because of my dad,but he hasn't exactly contacted them in the last 10 years " i sighed.
They all looked at me with wide eyes.

"Your dad is alive?"

Ah I knew i was forgetting something.

"Yeah"i manged.

"But like I said he hasn't exactly established any communication for the past 10 years" I shrugged and took a big biye out of my sandwich.

"How about your mom?"alec asked .I didnt fail to see Rima glare at him .I put down my sandwich. My appetite was completely gone.

"Shes dead" i answered but it came rather coldly.I winced at how my voice echoed .

"I'm sorry ,it's been a long day "i apologize to them just as I walked upstairs.

After stripping from my clothes i put on a robe and started running a warm bath.I knew it would relax me.

I groaned remembering how i must dropped my phone today on my way.
No music then .

Once the water was warm enough I slid into the tub and sighed in satisfaction. I submerged my head in the water and watched the bathroom roof as though from the bottom of the sea.My vision got blurry and i knew i had to get up.
But I was angry at how weak I am.I was frustrated at how I really knew nothing.How could they do this to me.
My family.
My own family living thousands of miles away for what reason exactly.
Why did we have to live seperately?

I felt a sharp pain in my lung as i shot up from the water.I came to notice the bathroom door opening.zander walked in and blew out a breath .
"I knocked several times but you didnt answer"he explained
I looked at the water finding that the bubbles were doing a good job covering my naked body .
He came to sit next to the tub .
"When we came back from the run i got your text message saying you were in the market but we had waited for 3 hours and you were still gone"he looked me in the eyes and i can tell that his day wasn't the best either.
"I was so worried but Rima kept telling me to wait then after 3 hours we went looking for you in town.I called the car company and they have a tracker on all their cars that how we found your car,but it was parked in the same place from the morning according to the flower shop guy"

"We found your phone on the floor in a dark ally and my mind went to all the worst case scenarios. It was terrifying. The ideas of loosing you is just"he stopped then looked at me
"Unbearable "

"You wont lose me zander"I grabbed his hand and traced tiny patterns .
"Well not that easily anyways"i smiled ,and he did too before pulling me closer to him .He sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"What am i suppose to be without the person i love,"I asked after some time.Zander looked at me with soft eyes Then said
"You'd still be Elina "
"You know what i meant ,idiot" I replied.
Zander leaned closer making our faces incredibly close.We both closed our eyes.

"I know"he whispered.

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