31:A Little Break

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"You guys are all so dead "Avalon muttered receiving no response from any of us.We were sitting in the kitchen with sad looking sandwiches in each of our hands.

"Seriously  you won't even argue to deny it?"she rolled her eyes.

Weeks have passed and you can say they weren't really easy.
Ever since the funeral I spoke so little to Rima giving her the space I thought she need,but now I really want to remove this suffocating grief in the air so I really didn't mind what Avalon has been suggesting.
"Look you guys have been through a lot lately and don't talk let me continue" we all shut up at her words.
"How about the four of you "she looked each of us in the eye.
Me, zander ,rima, and alec

"Go away for some time. Like a getaway vacation."her eyes shined brightly.I looked over at zander and saw his head turn in her direction.

"What about the pack?"

"Honey you have your beta in charge" I didn't like the fact that she called zander 'honey' but I shrugged it off.I was starting to like the idea and I'm pretty sure Alec did too.his eyes spaced out probably  considering it.

"Oh come on what can go wrong?"I asked once we headed to our room.
"Look elina I know the past few days have been hard but do you really think getting away for a few days will help .what happens when you come back .All our problems and responsibilities are still here"he paced around the room with his shoulders tensed up.

"Look, you need this as much as I do .we've  been through  ALOT  zander"I put emphasis  on a lot then continue my speech.
"We neet to detox from this suffocating grief and move on and the only way to do that is to escape for a few days."I held his face in my hands making him look into my eyes.hoping it will work.

"What if there was another attack?"he snapped out of it and removed my hands .
guess not

"I worry about the pack too zander.you think I would suggest this if I knew our pack is in danger"

"I made a few calls and got someone to help Jared out" I added.
He looked at me still unsure.
I opened the door and signaled for the man to come in.

"Uncle Noah"

"Hey, there son"the man smiled at his nephew.

After a few drinks and a lot of talking ,zander finally agreed.
He told me he will be busy making new security plans for the next  weeks and discussing some pack business with both his uncle and Jared.

I was walking upstairs when I bumped into someone .

"I'm sorry i didn't see you"I apologize .
"It's okay Doc"
"Hey Avalon I wanted to thank you"
"For what?" She asked.

"Trying to help us"

She smiled for a second then covered it with a smirk.
"Honey, get your facts straight I wanted to kick you guys out.you were practically  walking mourners"

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked already knowing the answer .

"Doing what?"

"Pushing people away," I said just before I walked away.

I knocked on the door prepared to get no answer and walk away.
"Come in"Rima muttered.
I saw alec sitting beside her .

I walked over to them.
"So what do you guys think"referring to the trip.

"We thought about it and we are-"alec was cut off by Rima.
"Yes we are  going"

He looked surprised  at her sudden change of mind and whispered
"Are you sure? We can always go later"he trailed of.
"We all need a few days off " she sighed.

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