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Convincing my grandma wasn't the easiest thing, I had to call in for enforcement. After failing to convince her I called zander he was my secret weapon.

I told jack to pack even though we didn't get the green flag from grandma but our flight leaves today and he doesn't exactly have time.

"zander please do what you do. I need to get him with us"

"oh I'm sure she will agree "he sounded awfully confident.

"okay best of luck, "I said before rushing him into the room.

I paced in the hall and tried my best not to eavesdrop. I don't know why but I needed my brother with me. It didn't feel right to leave him.

zander came out moments later his head down. this can't be good.

"what did she say oh no? We really are leaving without him "I rambled.

zanders eye met mine and I saw the amusement

"you really don't have faith in me? I feel hurt "he held his heart dramatically.

"no way! You did it "my eyes widened in disbelief.

how on earth did he manage to convince her?

I didn't waste a minute as I ran upstairs to jacks room.

"you're coming!"

"oh, my god no freaking way!"

we literally screamed like girls.

"you make sure he is on track with his college course or I will come all the way to where you live and drag him here by his ears "she did sound serious. "I want both of you to keep wearing the necklaces I gave you at all time"

"don't worry grandma I'll take care of him "I assured.my brother grunted something along the lines 'so much for getting my freedom'

"I hope so and Jackson Lockwood you better not cause your sister any trouble"

"okay grandma we need to go now, "I said as I looked at the watch.

"take care you two! "was the last thing she said to us before we drove away.

The flight back went by quick. mostly because I kept asking my brother questions. Part of me is relieved that he is coming with us.

We had to give Rima some sleeping pills like last time. That leaves zander and alec who were discussing some pack stuff.

We landed safely and were greeted in the airport by Jared himself.

"How was the honeymoon? "Jared laughed at the sight of a passed out Rima in alecs arm.

"Man the pack is not the same without all of you "he sighed. zander came to give him a decent 'man hug'.

"So you're saying nothing happened while we were gone?"

"Well not exactly but enough of that let's get you all into the car. it's about to rain soon" Jared helped us carry the bags into the car suddenly noticing something.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything but have we met? "Jared asked jack.

"Ah I'm Elina's brother, Jack"

"I thought you said you didn't have siblings " he was now looking at me.

"That's what I thought. but long story short apparently I do" I paused the continued "I'll explain in the car"

When we arrived we were greeted by members of the pack standing in front of the mansion. Zander held my hand as we walked up to them.

It didn't slip my mind that I had to go through the Luna ceremony soon.

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